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I opened my eyes and was shocked to see Stephen standing by the door. He looked furious, his arms were folded. He looked at me and then the plate. "You haven't eaten." He said .
I just stared at him and said nothing. I was scared and angry at the same time. "You need to eat. You need strength." He said.
I shouted that I wasn't hungry and he was taken.

"I'm going to leave the food here. You will eat sooner or later." He said then left the room.

I have to admit I was starving as hell and I was feeling weak. I was about to close my eyes but then I heard screams.

I got so scared and I think I heard gunshots.

My door then opened. To my surprise it was Nike. He ran towards me. "Sorry there. It took long for me to find you." He said.
He let out his hand for me  and I held it . I got of the bed quickly and he grabbed me out  of the bedroom.

We ran passed many vampire bodies laying on the floor. I saw hunters fighting with the vampires. They fangs came out and there eyes turned red. One of the them noticed us and . Before I could blink it was next to me. Nike pulled me at the back of him and stabbed it with a silver knife which I realised smelled like garlic . I froze as the vampire burnt to  Ashes.

"Megan! Come on! " He shouted . We ran out the maintain.  We ran into the woods as fast as the wind could take us.

We were so deep in the woods then we stopped when we heard footsteps. Nike removed his knife.

He then returned it when he saw a girl with red hair. Green eyes and skin is chocolate cream. He pulled a rob and it was tied on Stephen. I was so shocked and scared. She dragged him and Nike had a dangerous smirk on his face. "Well done Merlin. " He said.  I felt so weak and dazy.

We walked for hours and hours . My leg  much more . I felt dizzy, weak and hungry. My pace slowed down and Stephen except the others noticed. I then fell to the ground.

I opened my eyes and I was in a gold room. It was beautiful, I smiled when I woke up .I thought it was a dream. My head  hurt.
I wondered what happened , then I remembered. I got scared, nothing was a dream. And where the hell was I . I got so scared. The door slowly opened and I curved into a ball , scared it would May.

I was face to face with Nike. Tears ran down my cheeks. I got down the bed and ran towards Nike. I stopped in front of him . He pulled me towards his chest. I bursted out crying. He said nothing, just letting me cry. I then pushed him away. "Who the hell are you!" I shouted. He was shocked. "It's me Nike." He said.
I watched stared at him studying him closely . He knew what I was doing. He looked different, more dangerous. Like he can kill without thinking. "Why didn't you tell me you were a hunter?" I asked. He walked slowly towards me and backed away slowly. When he realised he the stopped. "I didn't think it was important." He said. My face turned red ." I thought I was your best friend!" I shouted. He said nothing and stared at the floor. "Nike why you not saying anything?" I asked.
"Because he used you." A voice said. She stared at the door and saw a girl with beautiful gold hair and crystal blue eyes. "He used you to find the Vampire palace." She continued. I stared from her to Nike. Nike walked up to her then stopped. "I knew that Alexander the vampire king would be searching for a pure twin and you were one. I knew he would take you but didn't know how. You were the only one that take us close to him." He said then left the room so did the girl. I felt used and betrayed . First it was May now Nike.

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