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I opened my eyes slowly and immediately closed it . The light was too much. I could hear whispers all around me . "I thought she would have changed. But no she had to prove me wrong again." I heard my mother's voice. I opened my eyes slowly and saw my mother sitting on a chair and May standing next to her with her hand on her shoulder. "Mom , everyone believed May would change." She said . I noticed she had a smirk on her face. "Mom look she is awake." May said . Mother stood immediately and walked towards the bed . "May what Were you thinking. Now the drug you have been taking paralysed you." Mother said.
I wanted to  say something. Tell her it was all May's doing and I am not May.

I sat in the back seat silently as mom stopped the car at our house. Andre was waiting at our house door. He came towards the car and helped the betrayer and my mother put me on a wheelchair. "Are you okay? This must be hard for you." He said. He then hugged May the way he always hugged me . He roughly put his arms around May, pulling her close to him. I knew what was going to happen next . I wanted to jump from the wheelchair and pull May's hair. Mother pushed me in the house leaving them two alone. You know what is the worst part. Mother told them to have . The word fun in May's heard is totally different.

I was taken to my room to get some rest . I was tired and I didn't know why . Mother said I've been unconscious for a couple of days . So I supposed to have had enough sleep.

I've watched May throw herself on my man. She sat on his lap. Every minute or hour she would turn just to see my facial expressions. I hated her , she made Andre hate me . Everyone in this town knew about the drug story.

Every moment I was given a pill before I sleep from May. It always weakened me . The next day my throat will be dried. May never forget about me. Always entering my room to just make me feel like a vegetable. "Sooner or later. Mother will get tired of you, and I'll we so glad to dump you anywhere I'll like." She said laughing. I heart started beating so fast . I wanted to shout and scream.  I just started crying. "Look this is all you can do is cry. When cried and begged mother to not take me there. No one cared. In your case no one will hear." She laughed again.

Locked into Demise Itself Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora