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I had a bit of trouble thinking about where I was going with this fic but I think I have a plan in mind. This chapter isn't necessarily filler as it sets up the next events, but I guess it can be seen as fluff. This doesn't take place immediately after the last chapter, but maybe a few days or a week afterwards. I hope you all enjoy!


He was running. Where he was going escaped him, but he knew he was running - somewhere important. The wind whipped against his face, his eyes watering against the harshness of the air, but he blinked it away. He kept running and panting and running and running.

He tightened his grip on - what was he holding? - his bow. His bow, yes. It was heavy, he knew that, but it felt light in his grasp. It burned with a bright incandescence and he had to keep his focus up to power the bowstring and arrow.

Taking a quick glance around the intersection of the trees, he decided on a direction to go and bolted. He had to keep running, he had to get there before it was too late and-

Where was he even going?

His feet continued to work even if his brain was failing him. Something was telling him to run - to keep running - and find his family. Something important was going to happen and he had to be there so he kept running.

Finally reaching a clearing, he was met by a vast expanse of land. There were pegasi and kinshi and wyverns in the air, constantly going at one another. There were archers and mages at the edges of his vision, and the forefront were the infantry soldiers fighting and dropping like flies. He had the urge to vomit, watching the fliers plummet and hearing the sickening sounds of flesh and broken bones. Nevertheless, he pushed himself forward.

He dashed, bow in tow and arrow ready, and he ran across the battlefield. He shot at stray wyvern and did his best to take out as many opposing soldiers as he could. He had long gotten over the feeling of killing; it was necessary if he were to be a warrior and serve his country. He swallowed down the bile in his throat and finally met with his family.

"Takumi," Hinoka greeted, but there was something off about her tone. Usually it held determination and passion, but now she almost seemed drained. He couldn't find his voice so he settled on a nod of acknowledgement, hoping it would suffice.

Trying to piece together why his siblings seemed so solemn, he shifted his gaze to where they were all looking and saw a girl with hair as white as snow and-

"I know what I must do."

Takumi remembered why he was coming here.

"Ryoma, withdraw your troops!"

No. No no no no no! This couldn't be. Kamui didn't want them. She was choosing those scum over her true family. That traitor! He knew it all along. The Nohrians poisoned her mind and now she would never come home to Hoshido.

Maybe if he was stronger, he could kill those scum and save Kamui. He could bring her home and make his siblings happy. He could avenge his father after all these years. He could bring Kamui home, just like his mother always wanted. If only he wasn't worthless, he could do something...

He was broken out of his thoughts by the sounds of blades crashing. Ryoma and the crown prince of Nohr were fighting and Kamui seemed to be begging them to stop. Why should they listen to her after what she had done?

Takumi readied the Fujin Yumi, eyes narrowed as he stared down Kamui and those Nohrian bastards. He would kill them. For taking away Kamui, for killing both of his parents. He would avenge his parents and wipe Kamui's name from history - she was a blemish on Hoshido's name and was to be renounced. She had betrayed them and he swore to remove the Hoshidan blood in her veins.

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