She is sitting beside the fireplace, her eyes closed in thought. With caution, I take a seat across from her, suddenly detecting my shyness and reluctance to readily admit that she was correct. I had laughed at her claim, and the next day, I only proved that her words were true.


Her eyes fly open, and she offers me a warming smile.

"Good day, iell," she says. "Why do you come here at this most unusual hour?"

"Well, Nana–I–I must speak to you of something. It is of great importance. An I do not know how I am to handle it."

"What is it, Authiel? Fear not, and tell me of it. I shall offer you what advice I can."

I take in a wavering breath, my heart speeding in my chest. "You words were correct, Nana, and I was wrong to laugh at them," I inconspicuously reply, and then laugh nervously.

Her mouth falls open, and then she smiles at me, though a lingering sadness is evident in her eyes.

"You love the prince. I could see it, iell nin, there is little you can hide from me. Even as it was not evident to you, I could see it."

The warm smile on her face comforts me and eases the tension I have built within myself.

"What am I to do, Nana?" I ask, almost desperately, reminding me of the times I would injure myself and cry to my mother for assistance and help.

"You speak to Legolas of it."

"Nana, but it is not so easy, for he would not even think of loving me, such a thought never would make itself known to him."

"How would you know of that? Did you inquire it of him?"

"No, yet it is clear he would not look for love in an elleth he considers to be a dear friend."

Nana raises her eyebrows at my statement.

"He sees you as a dear friend, Authiel? That is grounds enough to believe he fancies you at the very least. It is fact that he cares for you, however."

Oh, my mother has far more hope for me than even I do.

"Nana, how can that bring about the belief he cares about me in that manner? I am only a friend."

"For you to become a dear friend in less than a moon, and for him to care for you as he does is enough. Do not lose faith, iell, I do know how ridiculous this all seems to you, and even the pain it brings also."

"But there have been no signs from him, no indicators that he might love me or even fancy me," I argue.

"Why do you deprive yourself of hope? If your love is true, it shall prove itself so. If it is not, you will know. I would not hastily conclude it is false, Authiel. When did you last see him?"

"Two days past," I answer, recalling how he held me in his arms and nearly seemed that he would kiss me then. I blush at the thought.

"You have avoided him, have you not?"

I nod, looking toward the empty fireplace.

A knock sounds on the door, and I leap up in surprise. Nana laughs at my sudden reaction, and I laugh also and walk to open the door to whomever calls.

Legolas stands apologetically in the doorway, a rueful smile on his face. My heart races, and I struggle to to formulate any words.

"Authiel, who is it?" Nana asks.

"Ah–it is the Prince Legolas, Nana," I reply, though my voice is caught in my throat, and my heart beats violently.

"What brings you here? And how did you recall where my home was?"

Enduring Wind and Fire (LOTR)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum