Part 14

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Status: rewritten and updated to be less cringe.

The gang had all gotten mostly used to Johnny now. They didn't tease him as much, or really mess with him at all. I think they all suspected that something was going on with us, at least a little bit, but no one ever said anything about it.

I hear Johnny sigh, which causes me to look up. We're sitting at the kitchen table doing homework together, and he keeps getting increasingly frustrated by the minute.

"Maybe I can help you," I lean over and look at the question. "Here," I take his paper and begin explaining how to divide radicals, but it's almost as if he doesn't want to learn. After my third try of explaining it, he snatches the paper from me and throws it in his bag.

"Just stop tying it's no use!" He exclaims. "I'm just the stupidest kid ever. Why do you even let me stick around?" He slams his text book shut.

"It's okay Johnny. We just need a break, and then once you cool off you can try again and it'll be easier." I say, trying as best I can to be patient with him. His mood swings hadn't really gotten all that better, and I'm still learning how to deal with them.

"Don't talk to me like that." He glares. "I can't get it because I'm an idiot, not because I'm mad." He bangs his fist on the table.

"Johnny," I say slowly, trying to choose my words carefully. "you're not an idiot. This unit in math is hard. I struggled with it too-"

"Don't be such an asshole." He cuts me off, and I feel a lump form in the back of my throat. "I don't want your damn pity. You must be stupider than I am to expect me to believe that you had trouble with anything school related."

"I..I'm not pitying you. I really did, and I want to help you succeed. You won't let me help you, but I want to. That's all I want, is to help you excel in school and-"

"Well that's your fault. I can't help that you're obsessed with me and won't ever leave me alone!"

My mouth parts in shock. "Excuse me, for trying to help my boyfriend!" I stand up, tears forming in my eyes, despite myself. I'm so over this. I'm over being his punching bag. I'm over tip toeing around him. "Johnny you said you would stop doing this to me!"

"Doing what?" He mutters.

"This! Yelling at me and calling me names and making me feel like shit when all I'm trying to do is help you! You said you would stop, and now here we are. I've been so patient with you Johnny. I've tried every tactic to help you, and it's like you won't accept my help." I turn around and walk swiftly to my room. I slam the door as hard as I can and crawl into my bed.

I keep waiting to hear the front door open and close, and see Johnny storm out of the house from my window, but I never do. Instead, I just lay on my bed for an hour, seething, until there is a knock on my door. "Pony..?" I debate on whether or not I should open the door, but it isn't much of one. I cave and open it up, revealing Johnny. "Jesus Ponyboy..I'm so sorry." His eyes go glassy, causing mine to as well. 

"Johnny..please..what is going on with you?"

He wipes his eyes and is silent for a few seconds before answering. "I've got something wrong with me.." he whispers. "It's some kinda disorder. I can't remember what it was, it's in my moms files. But I know there's something really wrong, and my parents wouldn't get me medication." He begins full on crying now. "I know whatever it is explains why I have so many changes in my mood..I hate it, and I can't control it, it it's something I've learned to live with. I understand if you can't learn to live with it though."

I pull him into a hug. "Don't cry, it's okay." I pull back and wipe his eyes. "We'll figure out what's wrong, okay? You're not crazy. We just have to figure out what's wrong." 

He nods, still looking guilty. "I'm sorry."

"I know." I hug him again.

Omg an update??? What??? Crazy I know!!

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