Part 4

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Status: rewritten and updated to be less cringe.

I had decided to walk down to the cafe today after school, wanting a quiet place to think and do homework, since I had so much of it.

Most of my days were always like this, and today particularly, I didn't think I could handle the gangs obnoxiousness while I was trying to figure out the extensive math problems assigned by my teacher.

I sigh as soon as I enter the cafe. Everything smells so good and the only noise is the soft chatter of people talking and the low melodies coming from the jukebox.

It's just the place I need to relax. I walk over to the back corner table and set my stuff down, before ordering my usual coffee.

I sip occasionally as I work on my math homework, feeling a little stressed out. 

I'd gotten about halfway through the worksheet when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I look up and am met with the big brown eyes of Johnny Cade. "Hi?" I ask, extremely confused.

He gives a small wave. "Hi..." he goes quiet for a minute before speaking again. "Can I sit here?"

I smile and gesture to the seat. "Go ahead, nobody else is." He slowly takes the seat across from me in the booth. "How did you know I was gonna be here?" I ask.

"I didn't. I was just hoping." He nervously taps the table. "I wanted to apologize for how I acted a few days ago. You were just trying to be nice."

"I was trying to be your friend." I laugh lightly.

"Yeah..." he nods. "And I'm sorry I didn't let you. I was just scared. I didn't think you actually wanted to."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I thought you were just pitying me." He admitted.

I shook my head. "That's not it at all."

"I know..." he says slowly. "It's just, no one has ever wanted to be my friend before. I'm not used to it."

"Are you willing to let me in?" I ask.

Johnny nods, almost unsurely. "I want to be your friend Pony...I really do."

"Then we're friends," I smile. "It's that simple."

He gives me a shy smile back. "What are you working on?"

"Homework." I roll my eyes. "Sucks how much they give out on Friday's, huh?"

He nods. "I'm not in any ap classes or anything...I'm not so smart, so we don't get too much homework."

"I bet you're plenty smart. Those lower level teachers aren't very good, they don't try to help the students."

He looks at me and nods slowly. "Yeah...that's exactly right. Nobody else seems to understand that."

"I know how it is. That's what they did to my brother Soda." I sigh. "But if you ever need help I'd be happy to show you how to do some stuff."

"Really?" He seems to brighten up.

"Of course. You have any homework today? We can go ahead and get it out of the way."

"Um..." he bites his lip. "Yeah, just a little. It's at my house though."

I begin packing up my books. "Then let's go get it. We can work on it at your house."

"No!" He says quickly, before clearing his throat. "I mean, I'd rather do it at your house, if that's alright with you."

"Okay, we can do it at my house." I stand up and slip on my backpack. "Ready?"

He nods and stands up as well, beginning to walk outside. "I don't live too far from here...Just up the road."

I nod and follow him until we come to a small, run down house. Immediately, I understand why he didn't want to go home. Loud screaming is apparent, even from the lawn.

He turns to me, a small amount of fear barely traceable in his eyes. "I'm gonna go get my books,"

"Go ahead and get a change of clothes. You can sleep over if you want."

He nods and rushes inside. The yelling gets louder. He's almost running by the time he comes back out. "O-okay, I got my stuff..."

We walk down the street, and I discover that his house wasn't too far away from mine. All this time we had lived close to each other, and yet had never spoken.

I want to ask him about the yelling, but I'm afraid he would get mad and leave. For some reason, I don't really want to think about him trying to walk out of my life again.

Soon enough, we make it to my house. Steve and Soda are the only ones home this time.

My brother raises an eyebrow at Johnny. "You brought him back, huh?"

Johnny frowns and looks away, clearly uncomfortable. I place a hand on his shoulder and glare at my brother. "Yeah, Johnny's gonna spend the night again."

Steve throws a card at Soda's head. "Let's get back to the game."

I sigh and begin walking upstairs. "Sorry about him, he's been annoying recently."

"It's fine." Johnny shrugs and then looks at me seriously."Hey...can I...ask you something personal?"

SAVE ME (𝘫𝘰𝘩𝘯𝘯𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘺)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora