Part 2

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Status: rewritten to be less cringe

"So," I begin as we start the short walk to my house. "you like the shop?"

"Yeah, it was nice." Johnny says, quietly. "I'd always seen that place but never really registered what it was." He takes a look around. "Funny how that happens."

"Yeah, I do that too, sometimes." We walk in silence for a couple minutes. The whole time I'm working myself up to start a new sentence. Something about him makes me feel nervous. Finally, I exhale through my nose and shake my head slightly. Get it together. "Uh, listen, my house isn't super nice or anything. Like, it's not dirty, but it's not fancy. I just don't want you thinking anything." 

"Whatever it looks like, I'm sure it's nicer than mine." Johnny says, which I already assumed. I can tell by his clothes that he's from the east side, like me. 

I observe him for a second. His gaze is fixed on the ground, and his mind doesn't really seem to be with me. I wonder not for the first time today what in his life made him feel that it couldn't get better. 

"We can go back to the coffee shop sometime soon if you'd like." I suggest. "It was nice going there with someone."

He kicks a rock. "Yeah, maybe." I can tell he doesn't mean it. I want to press but also don't want to come off as obsessive, so I drop it. 

A cold wind blows past and Johnny shivers. "You want my jacket?" I ask, automatically. Like I would if he were a girl or something. 

"No, you need that."

I take it off anyway. "This one doesn't even fit me that well. It'd probably fit you." 

"No, Ponyboy, I'm fine. I'm used to the cold."

"Just because you're used to something doesn't mean you have to deny yourself something better."

He side-eyes me. "You talk real smart." It doesn't sound like an insult or a compliment. Just a fact. 

"Just take it, please? Think of it as payment for the coffee."

"Payment for the coffee is taking more stuff from you?" He asks, raising his eyebrows. "How does that make any sense?" 

I place the jacket in his hand. "Don't question my thinking." I tease. "Really, take it. I've got others at home." 

Begrudgingly, he puts it on. 

We continue walking and eventually pass the bridge where he was standing just an hour and a half earlier. He eyes it, making me feel weird. I want to switch spots with him, but I don't. 

Soon enough, we make it to my house. "I gotta warn you, there's three other boys who are always over here. They're real nice guys once you get to know them, but they might give you a hard time."

"It's okay. I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle." He leans closer to me as we walk up to the door, causing my face to heat up. I'll blame it on the cold.

I take a breath and open up our always unlocked front door. Inside, Darry sits at the table doing bills, Steve and Soda argue over a game of cards on the ground, while Dallas and Two-but yell at them to shut up.

Johnny's eyes widen and he freezes up. 

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I don't like yelling." He mumbles. I give him an apologetic glance, because there's always a lot of yelling in the house. 

"They're not actually mad." I try to reason. 

Darry is the first to look up and notice Johnny and I. "Hey Pony, you have a good time?"

I nod as everybody else looks at me. "Who's the kid?" Dallas asks in a rough voice.

"Johnny. We're friends from school." I lie. "He needs a place to stay tonight." I ignore the look Johnny gives me. 

Darry nods. "That's no problem."

"Thank you." Johnny says, quietly. 

I introduce him to the rest of the gang, who all respond with a rough 'hello.' I can tell that Johnny is intimidated by them, but he stays cool and collected.

He's good at hiding his feelings.

I motion for Johnny to follow me and we walk upstairs to my room. "They'll get better once they get to know you more."

"I don't 'need' a place to stay tonight." He crosses his arms. 

"Oh, I'm sorry," I say, sarcastically, lowering my voice. "Did you want me to say, 'I found this boy on the side of a bridge and figured he could probably use some company?'"

He exhales. "Guess not." 

It's weird again. Nice. I head over to my dresser and pull out some night clothes that would fit him. "You want any dinner before you go to bed?" I ask, handing him the clothes. 

"No thanks. The cafe filled me up..." Johnny yawns and takes the clothes. "I will be giving these back." 

"Of course." I nod, trying to let him keep his pride. 

He looks around uncomfortably, and I realize he wants some privacy to change. "Oh, sorry, I'll be right back." 

I walk downstairs, seeing the gang. "Hey Sodapop, come here." He follows me into the kitchen after a minute. 

"What's going on?" He asks, sitting backwards in a chair. 

I bite my lip. "I was wondering if you could spend the night with Steve or take the couch tonight..."

"How come?" He asks. 

I look around, sighing. "I want Johnny to have the bed. He's got it rough, I think. Probably hasn't slept in a real bed in a while."

Soda frowns. "What's wrong with his home life?"

"I don't know exactly. Something, though."

"Well I can sleep on the couch tonight. I don't mind." He smiles and ruffles my hair.

I smile at him too, happy that Johnny could experience something that I've apparently taken for granted all these years.

I hug Soda and make my way back upstairs. When I walk in my room, Johnny is nearly asleep on the cold, wooden floor, without a blanket.

I shake him gently, causing his eyes to fly open and him to jump up. "What!" He gasps. 

I frowned and step back, my hands up. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

He takes a deep breath, taking a moment to remember where he is. "It's okay...force of habit."

"You take the bed." I say, gathering up his clothes. 

"What are you doing?" Johnny asks, defensively. 

"I'm gonna wash them for you."

"No, you don't need to do that." He assures, trying to grab them from me. 

"Dude, just let me. I'm washing my clothes anyway." I lie. 

He rubs his hands over his face, mumbling "okay." 

"It's seriously no trouble. Now take the bed." 

"Where will you sleep?" 

"Johnny," I laugh. "Just take the bed." 

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