She drank the coffee straight up, no creamer, no sugar, nothing.

"That's disgusting." I commented

"I'm drunk you ass!" She exclaimed

She looked around, but she looked closely at the table Finley and Jude were at.

"I'm sorry, it's not your fault. Go back with your friends." Grier said lowly as she ate

I glanced at my friends and then back with her.

"Come eat with us." I offered

She looked up at me, "Ev, I look like a hoe. I'm drunk, I smell of cannabis, and I'm sad. I don't think that's a good first impression."

"Want my sweatshirt? It'll mask the scent, but that's only if you come sit with us." I offered her

She stared at me for a minute before she agreed.

I took off my sweatshirt and handed it to her.

She put the sweatshirt on, chugged the rest of her coffee, picked up the basket of cheese fries and followed behind me to the booth.

Grier sat next to me while Jude and Finley look starstruck on the other side.

"Jude and Finley this is Grier this is Jude and Finley." I introduced them

"Hi, Finley, hey, Jude." She smirked and she clearly took advantage of the pun with Jude's name

Jude chuckled, "Good one."

"Is the rumor true that you have three Cartier rings?" Finley asked excitedly

Dear Lord.

Grier nodded and showed the stack of rings on her middle finger.

"The silver one was my mom's when she was my age, the rose gold one was my grandma's then she passed it on to me when I turned fourteen, and then I got the gold one on my seventeenth birthday." She explained

Finley stared at her hand, "I've never thought I see five thousand dollars in jewelry before."

"Chill." I mouthed

"You know, just to be clear, I'm not usually like this." Grier clarified

Jude nodded, "Oh we know."

Her phone buzzed, Grier wiped her fingers off and then she answered it.

"Hey." She started her phone call

"I'm fine, I'll text you." She proceeded

Grier rolled her eyes, "It doesn't matter about who I'm with. I love you and goodbye."

She dropped her phone on the table and continued to eat her cheese fries.

"Was that the James Landrew?" Finley questioned her with a slightly sarcastic tone

Grier nodded, "That was my ever so loving totally not asshole, forceful boyfriend."

"I'm kidding it was my sister." she quickly clarified for all of our confused facial expressions, "She's a little mother hen and always checks on me."

Jude finished his milkshake, "So I heard you like to sing."

Grier dropped her french fry, I choked on my water, I wanted to die right then right there.

"I guess a promise doesn't mean shit to you and you're not the only one to do me dirty." Grier said lowly

I felt like the world's biggest asshole. What had I done?

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