Chapter 15

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Keith was quiet for a long time after Jira divulged the truth to him. They sat outside the barracks, and she fought off a chill, despite the warm weather. Guilt ate away at her while she waited for Keith to respond; guilt that she couldn't keep a secret, and guilt that she originally wasn't going to tell Keith, especially after seeing his reaction. In a way, she felt she had let them both down. 

"... Keith?" Jira finally said and he looked at her, as if remembering that she was still sitting beside him. "I would have said something sooner about how I felt something was wrong, but I..." she couldn't finish the sentence. She had no excuse for it. "I know how much you look up to him," she said weakly. "... I didn't want to be right."

Keith nodded and looked away from Jira. "I feel like this is partially my fault," he said in a tremulous voice. "... part of the reason I left for the blade was because I knew Shiro was a better fit for the Black Lion. He always was. But he was so adamant that I stay in my place as the new head of Volton... it wasn't until I screwed up that he was the pilot again. If I hadn't, maybe..."

Jira watched Keith's face contront in confusion and remorse. She could see the struggle he still faced with leaving Voltron, only to be heightened with the news of Shiro. She had never seen him look so vulnerable before, and she suspected that he didn't allow himself to be that vulnerable around others often. Jira wanted to comfort him, but didn't know how to best go about it. He didn't seem like he was really one to enjoy hugs, but she couldn't stand to do nothing.

"No one knew what was going to happen," Jira said. She settled on resting a hand on his arm. When she did so, she felt him him go rigid and he turned his head further from her. Jira quickly retracted her hand, now regretting that she had tried to be comforting. She attempted to recover, though his reaction stung a bit. "You couldn't control what they did to him. All we can do now is move forward with helping him."

"So you and Allura do think there's a way to help him?" Keith asked hopefully. He shifted his body so that she could now see his profile. His eyes were downcast, as if he were afraid to look at her.

"We think we have a shot, at least."

Keith didn't respond, and Jira began to think that he wanted to be left alone too. She stood and looked down at him. "I can leave you alone, if that's what you want," she said, trying to sound indifferent. "Again, I'm sorry about not saying something sooner."

Jira turned to leave, grateful to get away before she could say or do anything that she might regret. She heard Keith stand up and follow her, but she didn't really want to turn around at that point.

"Jira, wait-" he said, moving to cut her off. They stood close to each other, and Jira stepped away from him, but didn't look away. Keith's eyes held the same soft vulnerability that he had been trying to hide from her earlier. "I'm not mad that you didn't say anything. I'm just... worried... and I guess I still blame myself a little bit, even though I know I shouldn't."

Jira swallowed a lump in her throat and fought the urge to hug him. She wanted to hold him until he no longer blamed himself... or maybe she just wanted to hold him. She couldn't tell at this point. Taking a step closer, Jira tried to read what he wanted, though she tried not to use her ability on people often.

Keith looked at her, like he was expecting her to read him, wanting her to discern what he couldn't say for himself. Jira tentatively brought her arms up around his neck and pulled him into a hug, having to stand on her toes. His body relaxed in her arms, but he took a moment before returning the hug. When he did, he held Jira close but gently, as if he were afraid to hold her too tight.

Jira's heart pounded against her chest, though this time she knew it wasn't because she was on edge. She thought about what her mom had said earlier that night and considered what Keith meant to her. They hadn't known each other long, but they had already talked about things that she normally wouldn't be too open about with others. They had already established an understanding and resolved conflicts to help their friendship progress. That had to account for something... Jira tried to shake the thoughts away, but she couldn't bring herself to pull away from the embrace. She waited for Keith to decide since he had the intention to hug her, though he was too hesitant to actually go for it. Since initiating the hug, Keith had gradually tightened his grip around her, until she could feel the full pressure of his arms and hands around her waist.

The Wells of Eioa (Keith x OC) (Shallura)(Lance x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum