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   Michelle took me back to her house to hang out for a while. I wasn't expecting to stay so late but I guess I lost track of time. We talked a lot about ourselves and watched The Shinning. Michelle knew all the words to all my favourite songs, and danced around the room like an idiot. We finally fell asleep around ten laughing at inappropriate jokes till we were out of breath.
   I went home early to get ready. She offered to give me clothes, but I didn't feel quite close enough to her to do that yet. As I walked back to my house, I thought about the boy I had met on the beach. He said his name was Finn. I don't know why, but I couldn't get him out of my head. For one thing, he likes poetry. That's well unusual for anyone I've met. I then started to subconsciously imagine him in his room writing some kind of award winning poem. He seemed so nice, I wouldn't mind bumping into him again.
   My house came into eyesight and I sighed. I started to wipe the sleep out of my eyes, realizing how mad my morning breath was. I checked my phone to see it was 7:30. First period was in 35 minuets. I headed to the door, only to stop in my tracks, mortified. Finn was standing at my door.
   "Finn! Um, how did you find my house?" I asked kinda creeped out. I suddenly became very aware of my messy red hair in a high bun and the fact that I slept with my makeup on, and that my black eyeliner was in splotches around my eyes. Finn laughed "I live a few houses away, I saw you moving in last week. Sorry I didn't realize you weren't home, I was just gonna knock and see if you wanted to walk to school together." I cringed. I was nowhere near ready to go.
   "I'd love to, but I'm not ready yet." Finn squinted. "Well, how long are you gonna take?" I sighed. "Um, maybe about 15 minuets?" Finn laughed. "Alright. I'll wait." I cringed again. This is so awkward, but at the same time, so adorable. I shook those thoughts out of my head. No, I thought, he's just being friendly to the new kid. I started towards the door when Finn said. "You can't look any prettier than you do right now." I chuckled. "Haha, ok suuuuuure Finn!" I teased. I let the door slam behind me. Oh boy. I better go freshen up.
   I ran upstairs and applied some light makeup. I don't know why I cared, but I didn't wanna look bad on my second day. I also didn't want Finn to think I was trying to impress him because I definitely wasn't. I changed into a pair of ripped shorts, and tucked my stripped oversized t-shirt in. Good enough. I doused myself in perfume, slipped my vans on and ran downstairs. Finn was waiting for me at the door. He looked up at me. I'm not sure, but I think I saw his eyes widen. He smiled.
   "You ready? You look ready." I laughed. "Yeah, I'm ready." We walked in semi- silence for the first 10 minuets. About half way there I couldn't help but explode with questions about his writing I didn't even know I had. He just laughed and asked me about what types of books I liked. We were so caught up in conversation I almost asked if he wanted to skip class, but I had only just moved. I think back to that day a lot.

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