"What, who, where, who are you?! And why are wearing boxers in the forest?! Oh my God did you rape me?! What the heck is wrong with you?!"

The voice in my head that spoke to me before I tried to commit suicide spoke up again. Run to him! He's our mate!

I found myself talking back to her which was beyond weird but felt perfectly normal. What the heck's a mate? I asked still not taking my eyes off the hot guy in boxers. Why was I calling him hot? And why did I have a strong urge to listen to that voice in my head and kiss him? Dang he had abs...

"Hey hey! Calm down. One, I'm Ryder. Two, I'll explain that later. Three, no I did not rape you. I- ow! What the? Stop throwing rocks at me!"

"Get away from me!" Ryder grabbed my hand to stop it from throwing more rock and I felt like I had been electrocuted, but in a good way. A fire burned everywhere our skin touched. I yanked my arm away. "What did you do?"

Don't throw rocks at our mate! Stop asking questions and just let him take us to his home!

"I didn't do anything. It's part of our bond."

"Bond? What bond? I don't know you."

He let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair giving it a tousled look. It looked good on him. Stop it! Snap out of it!

"Okay I guess I'll just come out with it." I gave him a confused look. He slipped off his boxers but I looked away before I could lose my innocence.

"What are you doing?! Are you not naked enough!" I heard what sounded like someone popping their knuckles and looked up to see a mutant wolf staring back at me. He let out a whine and I fainted.

(Ryder's POV)

Dang it! I just made her faint. That's just great.

Well what do you expect smart one? You couldn't have explained it first? My wolf Blaze piped up with his thoughts on the matter.

She's a werewolf too! She shouldn't have freaked out!

Idiot you really don't pay attention in history lessons do you? I ignored him and focused on the situation at hand. I shifted back and put on my boxers before picking my mate up and her things.

Our close proximity made her mumble about something and set my feelings on fire. My parents are gonna kill me when they find out this is how I'm bringing my mate home.

I took off at a sprint towards my castle hoping that my parents could explain to me what Blaze meant by not paying attention at history lessons.

(Hayden's POV)

I heard an unfamiliar voice when I slowly opened my eyes. I was in a bed and I didn't remember how I got there. I slowly sat up.

"I must of hit my head on a rock or something..."

"Oh you're awake!" I looked to see who spoke up to find a middle-aged kind looking women rush to my side. "I promise you're safe here."

"Okay. Anything is better than being stuck in the woods with boxer boy." She gave me a confused look. "I must of hit my head really hard when I fainted because the last thing I remember was a guy in boxers who ended up removing his boxers and changing into a mutant wolf!" I rushed out.

The door opened and I heard an animalistic growl. "Mine!"

I screamed when I saw boxer boy and hid behind the woman. Was Ryder his name? Oh well I don't care.

He is our mate! You should!

Okay why is there a voice inside my head?

I'm not just a voice. My name's Jasmine.

Okay, Jasmine, could you stop calling this guy our mate?

But he is our mate!

I didn't wan't to listen to the voice anymore so I just shut her out. Immediately it felt like there was a mental barrier in my mind and I couldn't hear Jasmine anymore. Creepy.

"Ryder the girl's gone through enough. Let her sleep and get some rest."

"She can sleep with me," he growled.

"What?!" I screeched. Although for some odd reason the idea seemed tempting. Ew, what's wrong with me?!

"Ryder I will not hesitate to kick your butt out this room. I've watched you grow up and I don't care how big an Alpha you are. Now shoo!" she said shooing him out the door.

"Thanks," I said once the door was closed.

"No problem child. I'm, well was, his nanny so he has a right to be afraid. I know too much about him." She winked. I laughed. "My name's Gigi."

"My name's Hayden. Do you know why Ryder called me his and, this is gonna sound crazy, but there's this voice in my head that says his my mate! And why did you call him Alpha?"

Gigi looked at me like everything I just said was perfectly normal.

"You don't seem shocked about the things I just told you."

"Well, to get your answers I'm afraid you'll have to sit through dinner with 'boxer boy' and his parents."

"Great," I said as I fell face first onto my pillow.

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