Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”

-Dr. Seuss  

     Questions jolted through my brain. I wanted to know this girl named Twilight. I wanted to know everything about her. By, the time I realized this, though, she was out of sight, swallowed whole by the crowd of dancers on the black-and-white tiled floor.

     Before I had the chance to stop myself I followed her, shoving my way through the crowd in the direction she’d gone. At the moment there was no possible way to describe why I wanted to follow her, I just had to. There was something about her that I was simply drawn to.

     “Excuse me,” I mumbled, pushing couples out of my way. Occasionally someone would ask me to dance with their daughter or try to get a picture with me, but I denied them all, continuing my search. ‘She must’ve left,’ I thought to myself, losing hope. Once I reached the other side of the ballroom I knew my search was useless and turned around. I was disappointed, that was for sure. I wondered to myself how long it would take to get her out of my head. “’Scuse me,” I said, “sorry.” I chanted these phrases as I pushed my way towards my room. The hallway that lead to my room was in sight when I felt someone tug at my sleeve.

     “Who’s doing—,” my sentence cut of when I realized that it was just my sister, Val. “Oh, hey.” I smiled, trying to let on that something was upsetting me.

     “Where are you going?” She took our conversation straight to the point.

     “My room.” I answered. We started aimlessly walking in another direction. I knew what Val was getting at because she was trying to do the same thing she always tried to do at any gathering we were at.

     “Olly, this is my wedding. You aren’t allowed to sleep through it.” She told me sternly.

     “It’s not like I want to, Val, I have to get up early and drive tomorrow morning.” I said.

     “Fine, I can understand that,” she used a tone that told me there were some conditions attached, “but, stay just another half-an-hour. I have some girls that I think you’d like to meet.” She used that line every time. “And this time, you aren’t getting out of it.”

     “Val I—”

     “Just one dance. That’s it. Please, Olly?”

     “Why do you always pressure me into this, Val? If I had time for a girlfriend I’d have one, but clearly, I don’t want one.” I answered.

     “Why? Because AJ’s already talking about retiring from the throne, your sister Nala just lost her newborn baby and is going through a divorce, I don’t want anything to do with this country, and Scarlet is dead.” Her words stung. I felt myself being to shake, anger building up inside of me. “That leaves you, Olly. You have no choice. When you become king you’ll have to crown a queen.”

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