| thirty-five |

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i cant sleep so i thought about you guys 💕

"Sang Ki, why are you holding Jimin's hand?" Yoongi and Jungkook had both asked in unison once we entered the huge building. it was full.

"w-well-" i was cut off by Jimin, "because our hands look perfect together, dont you think?" he chuckled cutely. my heart fluttered at his words and i couldnt help the smile that forced its way to my lips.

"you lil cunt." Yoongi laughed, grabbing Hoseok's hand. Hoseoks head shot to Yoongi. Yoongi gave the blushing Hoseok a smirk.

now it was Jungkook who stood there awkwardly. he was glancing at me and Jimin every few seconds.

Taehyung told me to stay away from Jungkook.

"mr P-Park..." i whispered his name softly. he giggled.

"yes?" he dragged his 'yes'. he made my heart go crazy.

"you can let go if you want to..." i mumbled, too shy to look in his eyes while we were walking. we reached an elevator in no time.

"no. dont want to. it feels nice to hold your hand." i internally screamed. i didnt know if i should cry or laugh- he was making my heart burst from happiness. he tightened his hold on my hand.

i looked at Jungkook who was looking at everyone passing by. he didnt seem to like it very much.

the elevator beeped, and its door opened. we all walked in and Jimin laughed at me.

"we were attracting so much attention." he threw his head back. he seemed so happy, it was making me question if he was feeling alright.

"mr Park, are you alright?" the elevator was still going up. i put my free hand on his temple, ignoring the stares Hoseok and Yoongi gave us. something like a lenny face. they looked stupid. Jungkook sighed, looking away.

Jimin froze, not saying anything before he grinned cutely.

"im so happy."

"ew. cringy ass cunt-" Yoongi was shut off by Hoseok who put a hand to Yoongi's mouth. Yoongi glared at Hoseok who shrugged.

"you keep ruining their moments."

their moments?

i gave Hoseok a questioning look, but before he could answer me the elevator came to a halt. i sighed, shaking my head. Jungkook didnt say anything, he was the first to walk out.

"so, where do we go no-"

"Jimin!" our heads jerked to the right, seeing a young man walk over to us. he was wearing a very expensive looking suit. his shoes looked newly polished.

"Hyungsik? is that you?" Jimin let go of my hand, immediatelly making a frown clumb its way to my lips.

"I missed you, how long has it been?" he interwined his hand with mine again once he departed from the small hug they shared.

"about a year?" Hyungsik laughed. it took him a while before he noticed us.

"oh my- this is your secretary?" he gave me a look of displease. i didnt understand anything. what did i do?

"yes, she is." Jimin's eyes narrowed at his old friend. i looked at the others but they shrugged.

Hyungsik whispered something into Jimin's ear. Jimin went wild.

"what? how can you say that?"  Jimin gently said. his knuckles were clenched.

"what do you  mean, Jimin? she looks so unprofessional, how can you have her as your secretary? i bet she fails in everything." my mood dropped at his words. i could feel Yoongi and Jungkook tense beside me.

"You did not just-"

"oh, and now you're holding her hand?" Jimin quickly let go of my hand, making my mood even worse than before. i looked at Yoongi, he was mad. Jungkook had no expression on his face.

Jimin beside me, he was trembling with anger.

"why would you say something like that, Kim Hyungksik?" Jimin's jaw was clenched. he looked scary. Jungkook sighed before pulling me back.

"he'll go crazy now, just you wait." Jungkook whispered into my ear. i stared at the scene in front of me in shock. Jimin was cracking his knuckles, he looked scary. his eyes were narrowed, his breathing was heavy and his knuckles and jaw were clenched. Hyungsik laughed.

"come on, you cant do this to your old friend-"

"Hoseok, cancel all the shit i have been making together with him." Jimin mumbled, looking at me. his eyes were narrowed, and he pushed his hair back. Hyungsik's smile dropped.

"all our projects together, cancel and delete them." Hoseok nodded, a proud smile on his face. he wasnt even his secretary. Jungkook looked at me, smiling.

"look what he's doing for you." he whispered in my ear. i looked at Yoongi who was shaking his head.

whats going on?

"you, will not call my secretary, my Kim Sang Ki, my woman, unprofessional. do you understand-" Jimin walked closer to Hyungsik who looked terrified, "you lik cunt? she is mine, and she is perfect. if i hear you say one more thing about her, you're out of business. save yourself while you can." Jimin grabbed Hyungsik by his throat. He was honestly scaring me.

but i loved it.

i dont really know where this chapter went, but i like it. btw if y'all are asking how Jungkook will end uo in this story- VKOOK!!!


love you guys, i think ill sleep now lolol ❤ im sorry if there are any mistakes, i am so sleepy rn ;-;

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