I strummed random chords as he observed

"Gonna play Teenage Dirtbag on that thing?" He teased

I looked up, "Oh my gosh, you heard me this morning."

"Yeah, the whole block kinda did. Nice lyric changes." He commented

I looked at him, "I'm not ready to elaborate on that one yet.

Everett nodded, "I understand. Are you gonna sing or something?"

"I mean, I haven't sung in front of anyone other than my family before." I proceeded reluctantly

Everett sat down at the piano a few feet away, "You sing, I will too, just not at the same time of course."

I rolled my eyes too, "Fine but not the whole thing. Don't look at me."

"Never thought I'd be saying this to Grier Johnson, but you're so weird." Everett commented as he turned around

I had a smug smile on my face, "Thank you."

I began playing and eventually started to sing.

"You've got a hold of me don't even know your power." I sang

I continued to sing 'Mercy' and I prepared myself to stop after the chorus.

"Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart." I ended

Everett started clapping, "You're really good."

I put the guitar down and then put my hair in a ponytail, "Thanks."

"What are you gonna play for me?" I asked him

"I wrote this one, you can look at me, doesn't really affect me." He said facing the piano

Alright, flex on me then.

I grinned, "Do your friends know that you do all this?"

He nodded, "Yeah, but of course no one at school does. I wrote this over the summer, because I dated this girl who was really superficial and only used me for sex and my looks."

"That's brutal, does she go here?" I commented

"She's closer than you think." Everett murmured as he started to play the piano

I listened as he played and sang.

Dear God, he had such an angelic voice.

On top of that, he was such a good songwriter.

I clapped, "You're good."

"Thanks, Grier." He smiled

Mr. Pala came back with a dozen of donuts, we ate donuts, walked around the classroom, and the best part of the classroom was the recording studio.

It was like a mini real one.

"So kids, I'll see you tomorrow. For the rest of this week, we're just gonna be working on getting to know the parts of what it takes to make a great label before we dive into assignments." Mr. Pala ended just as the bell rang

I grabbed my things and walked quickly out of the room.

I practically ran out of the music room to the gym for dance practice.

And I left the real 'Grier Johnson' in there as well.


Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday was the same routine.

School, dance practice, dance practice for the dance studio, homework, shower, and then I slept.

The second Everett and I walked into Mr. Pala's class it was like we were best friends, but in all of our classes we didn't even talk or acknowledge each other.

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