Her dad watched after the young adults and smiled. If that boy could make his daughter light up like that so soon before her pending death, he would always be welcomed to be with her and spoil her the way she deserved.

Julian and Trinity pulled up to Sky's house early Thursday morning in a large RV. There were two bunks and a couch, with more than enough room to get through between the three of them. Trinity leaned over Julian to honk the horn obnoxiously, not ceasing until she saw Skylar's hand reach out her front door with a certain naughty finger in the air.

Julian laughed at the two girls and gently pushed his girlfriend's hand out of the way. "Give her a chance for goodbyes, darling."

Sky took a few more minutes before she bounded down her front steps and up to the RV with a medium sized duffel bag in hand. She yanked the door open and peeked in at her two friends cheekily. "Hello, bitches. Let's get this party started."

And so their trip began. Julian had to drive about an hour out to get to the arena that Ed's show would be in. The ride was never quiet, filled with either conversations, loud laughter, or just the sounds of the three teenagers belting out to the songs flowing out of the iPod that was hooked to the stereo.

When they finally arrived, Julian parked in the back of the arena, near the tour buses and crews cars.

Trinity looked at him with large eyes. "Uhm, I don't think we're supposed to park here."

Julian rolled his eyes. "Don't worry about it. How bout the both of you go get ready. Quick though, I have one more surprise."

Trinity's mind immediately began racing. She didn't want to get her hopes up too high, but she couldn't help it. If Julian was going to do what she thought he was going to do, she'd fall apart. In her haste to find out the surprise, getting ready only took twenty minutes (with hair and makeup). Sky took slightly longer and Trinity was getting impatient.

"Come on you idiot, hurry up!"

Sky simply ignored her. Ten minutes later, she was done and Trinity was the first one outside of the vehicle.

Julian smiled at the girls eagerness. The sun was breaking through the few clouds in the sky, and the rays lit up her face perfectly. Her smile was wider than he had seen it in weeks and there was a hop in her step that he had never seen at all. He was glad he could bring this amount of happiness to her and he knew his upcoming plans would only further her joy.

He caught both girls arms and threw his own around their shoulders. "This way ladies."

They let him guide them to a sketchy looking back entrance. He knocked and smiled at the buff man who answered. He let them through immediately, smiling in return.

Trinity was a ball of anxiety. "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit," she whispered frantically under her breath.

The group walked down a series of hallways until Julian halted them at a particular door. "Ready?" he questioned.

Neither girl could answer.

The door opened and the ginger haired god stood there in all of his glory.

Trinity couldn't hold it in. "Holy shit," she let out as a half scream.

Ed turned fully to see the three teens and laughed. "Julian, my man, how's things?"

Julian stepped forward to give the singer one of those bro-hugs, laughing as he did. "Great dude. Excited for the concert. You going to be playing a few of those new tunes?"

Ed gave a lazy grin. "Course bro. Who are these beautiful ladies with you?"

Julian pulled them both forward, putting a teasing hand to Sky's head, slightly ruffling her hair. "This is my new friend, Sky."

Her Life Of MaybesWhere stories live. Discover now