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(The video was just from mah fav you tuber. I kno it's old but it's comady gold. Also, I'm just making this chapter while thinking of an idea....)

Edit: I DID! Also, thanks Jqpiratefox for your idea once again!

3rd person p.o.v

A few months passed...

Y/n and Kenny got closer and closer... They were like brother and sister...

Y/n's p.o.v

Ugh, another day at this stupid ass school.... I walk to the bus stop, being greeted by the boys. "Hey Y/n." "What's up bitch." "Shut up Cartman, Hi." Kenny gave me a hug. I slightly blushed. Everyday he would give me a hug and Cartman would make fun of it. "Get a room!" Cartman yelled.

Kyle's p.o.v

I felt a little bit of jealousy everytime Kenny hugs her.... Look at them Kyle, She doesn't love you.... it's gonna be like me and Nicole again.....I thought to myself.

Stan's p.o.v

I look at Kenny, Kyle and Y/n. I could tell Kyle's jealous... Honestly, I don't know who should be with Y/n.... The bus came. "GET ON YA STUPID KIDS!" The crazy, bitchy, smelly, Bus lady yelled. "Yeah, Yeah you patriotic bitch." I mumbled. "WHAT WAS THAT?" She yelled-asked. "I said I have a Ba-Ba Patrick itch!" I responded. "Oh, ok carry on." She said while we were getting in our seats. Fatass had to take a whole seat because he's to fucking fat. I sat next to Kenny.

Kenny's p.o.v

Should I tell him?... I mean... Kyle didn't say I couldn't tell him...did he? Eh, I forget. SCREW IT. "Hey Stan." My muffled voice asked. "Yeah?" He asked while looking out the bus window. "T-there's a boy that likes you..." I said. He looked at me seriously. Shit, I knew something bad would happen... "Holy shit dude....Who is it?" He asked. I go.... "It's Kyle...." I responded. He started blushing... He stayed silent while the ride to school, or what Fatass says, Skewl.

Kyle's p.o.v

When we got off the bus I noticed something. I decided to talk to Kenny about it. "Dude..." I said "what?" He muffled. "What the fuck did you do?" I asked while pointing to Stan. "I-I told him you liked him..." Kenny said while doing one of those wierd embarrassed poses in anime....

" Kenny said while doing one of those wierd embarrassed poses in anime

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"You- What?!" I shouted. People looked at us. I just countinued staring at him. They went back to thier business. "L-Look Kyle, it's been a few months that you've been crushing on Stan. So I thought, maybe, I could just tell him! You didn't even tell me I couldn't tell him!"He said. "THAT'S WHY IT'S CALLED A FUCKING SECRET! YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL ANY ONE!" I shouted. Everyone looked at us, again and chanted "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" I tried leaving but we were being circled. I saw Y/n in the front row... Holy shit..... I can't lose to kenny, I'll look like a fucking ass-chicken infront of Y/n.... 

Kenny's p.o.v

Crap, I have to fight Kyle... Y/n's gonna step all over me to be with Kyle...I have to beat the shit out of him....

Y/n's p.o.v

No, No.... They can't fight...thier  friends..... No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, NO, NO, NO, NO   The words keep on repeating in my head.... Everyone kept on chanting louder. I heard a yell from our Mr.Macky. "KIDS GET BACK INTO THIS BUILDING! OR I WILL HAVE TO CALL YOUR PARENTS, GIVE YOU DETENTION, AND HAVE ONE MORE SHEET OF HOMEWORK!" He yelled. We all ran as fast as we could. The last person was Fatass... He had it comming...... We went to our classes and countinued our work.

Class time boi🖌

Kyle's p.o.v

I was to worried about writing notes... Shit..... I can't fight Kenny....But I have to.... For Y/n.... You have to fucking kill him..... "Kyle? ARE YOU EVEN PAYING ATTENTION?!" Mr.Garison yelled while stopping our lesson. "Yes Mr.Garison..." I said while rolling my eyes. "Oh, giving me sass,eh? WELL YOU CAN TAKE THAT ATTITUDE TO THE FUCKING COUNCILLOR'S OFFICE!" He yelled while pointing to the door with a piece of chalk.  I walk to the door while glancing at the class... For Y/n......

Word count: 738 words
To be continued....

Kyle X reader X Kenny- CLOSEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora