"The events are as follows..." began Axel

"General combat - This is the main event where you will fight your opponent to the death, but don't worry the school has a protective shield around the games fields that prevents you from actually dying, even if you severely break a bone or whatever it will heal almost immediately, although every spell has limits so you will feel the pain just not as strong as it would be in a real situation. Every student will participate in this event, the winner moving on each time until the last two have risen and fought each other.

There are also separate bonus classes for:

Witches - There will be a flag at the opposite end of the field and you can use any spell that you have mastered to prevent your appoint from reaching it before you, it may not sound like much but it tends to get pretty heated.

Werewolf and Vampire team games- You will use your strong abilities to your advantage to push your strengths to the limit and work as a team of the werewolves and vampires of your house to defeat you opposing groups band of werewolves and vampires.

Angels- You will undergo a series of tests against your opponent see which is the stronger and most worthy of winning the event, you will be tested both mentally and physically in the ultimate test of strength.

And finally, my personal favourite...

Dragon teams! - The goal of this game is too capture as many flags as you can form the opposing team, Each team will start off with two flags each, and two extra flags will be hidden around the field. You will have to compete to find and capture the flags off each other and the surroundings before the end of the game. If you want to apply to our 'night flyers' team then this is the perfect opportunity to apply and show off your skill." he finished looking around happily.

"If you wish to participate in any of the bonus events please sign up on the notice boards that have been placed outside the hall" Shouted Felix over the excited chatter that had filled the hall. "If anyone has a special request to compete for a different element, which sometimes happens if you haven't made any new friends, or don't feel comfortable with your teammates, please don't hesitate to speak to your regional captain" he finished with a smile.

I absorbed the information carefully, ignoring Chase who was shaking my arm excitedly. I guess it would be fun to do something for my house, besides I doubt that I would have much of a choice between Chase and Axel.

"Ok thank you all for listening, everyone apart from the dragon riders can go" bellowed Mr Stoneheart.

hundreds of people flooded out of the hall ecstatically talking about the games and the events that it held.

"See you later guys" I called, watching as Max and some of the others got up to leave.

"Bye" replied a variety of voices.

"Chase you can get off my arm now" I laughed looking at the boy who was shifting around in his seat.

He released it immediately and looked at me with bright eyes.

"This is going to be so much fun!" he exclaimed.

Verity looked at him and rolled her eyes slumping further into her chair.

"I don't understand how you can be so happy all. the. time." she complained.

Chase's face dropped slightly in thought before quickly returning back to a smile.

"It's just him" I chuckled ruffling his mousy brown hair.

"Everyone gather around this table" called Dexter pointing to the table in the centre of the room.

We got up and sat down around the table silently.

I felt a wave of the familiar electric and blocked it out, I began to realise that the effect was slowly decreasing pain wise and was just putting me on edge with a bundle of mixed emotions.

The effect intensified making my shoulder burn slightly as somebody jumped into the seat next to me and I looked left to see non-other than Shade... I guess that I spoke too soon.

"Hi princess" he smirked leaning his chin in his hands.

I glared at him and growled capturing Chases attention.

"On a nickname basis are we?" I said sarcastically "I thought that you despised me?"

"I didn't say that, now did I Princess?" he grinned.

"My name is AURORA" I shouted lacing my voice with as much venom as I could.

I was seriously contemplating morphing into my wolf right here to tear off his smug head.

Chase sensed my anger and grabbed me around the waist and without warning and yanked me over him, placing me down on his other side next to Orpheus.

"For your informa-" began Chase but was cut off.

Cobalt sprung from his shoulders and dived onto Shades chest in a lame attempt of attack.

"Cobalt! no!" he screamed ripping Cobalt from Shades shirt ripping it in the process.

Chase restrained Cobalt, who was still puffing tiny flames towards Shade and turned towards me.

I stroked Cobalts small nose to distract him from Shade and he calmed down, purring softly.

I watched as Shade shook off the shock and winked at me before drawing his attention towards the stage.

Following his gaze, I saw that a big group of people were standing there watching our drama.

"As Mr Valore's dragon perfectly demonstrated, you are in desperate need of these mentors," said Mr Stoneheart.

I looked at Chase and almost burst out laughing upon seeing his reaction to the principle using his surname.

"Anyway... the mentors are all third-year students and are very highly skilled so they will choose you" he explained.

"Spread out"

*** This chapter was mostly filled with information about the games so I will update again later on in the week as there wasn't much plot in this chapter.

Thanks for reading ***

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