Chapter Eighteen: Lunch

Start from the beginning

He was cut off by Misa suddenly changing positions to sit upright on his bed. She waved her hands in the air above her head.

Dammit! If she keeps interrupting me we'll never get anything done!

"W-wait a second, Light-kun! Before you start, I just thought of something else...since we established that we are going to be working together...well...can I please see your shinigami?" Misa asked, her eyes were round and full of curiosity, "you see, I really want to take a look at him. I'm really curious."

Light sighed and tried to hide how irritated he was at the fact that Misa had just interrupted him yet again. He reminded himself that had to maintain his usual cool and composed personality, no matter what.

Unfortunately, even though she's super annoying, the fact is...I still need her to trust me, so I guess I have no choice but to let her meet Ryuk.

"S-sure, I suppose so," was Light's response, "but first, could you please turn around?"

"Alright!" Misa flashed Light a grin before happily turning around on his bed to face his wall. She started to hum as she was waiting for Light.

Light stood up and took out his wallet. He opened it and reached within the inner foldings of the fabric, taking out a small slip of paper. Light then reached forward and gently touched the paper to Misa's right hand.

" can turn back around now," Light announced.

"A-alright," Misa replied. With that, she manuerved back around on his bed and slowly met Ryuk's dark eyes.

The shinigami then chuckled and offered Misa a friendly smile, "hyuk, hyuk...hey there! So you can finally see me, hmm? Well, how's it going? Are you enjoying the view?"

"Ooh!" Misa squealed, excitedly waving her hands at Ryuk, "wow, look at that! You're a completely different type of shinigami than Rem, aren't you? I already know your name! It's Ryuk, am I right? It's very nice to finally meet you!"

Ryuk awkwardly attempted to mimic what Misa was doing with her hands, "uh, yeah, I suppose I am! Anyway, same here. It's nice to have someone else that can see me, hyuk."

Light grimaced in annoyance at the interaction. Now that the introduction had been made, he didn't want to waste any more precious time. He wasn't sure how long he'd have the house entirely to himself.

"Alright," he said, once again gaining Misa's attention. "Misa-chan...are you finally happy now? Can we move on to the important matters at hand?"

"Oh, sorry! Of course we can move on now, Light-kun!" Misa giggled, "thanks for showing me your shinigami. I suppose this means that you fully trust me now, so yay! Anyway...what was your plan again?"

"Well I will explain that in a moment, but honestly that's not all we need to cover this afternoon. You see, after we figure out how Keiko and I are going to meet you, I will need you to make another video to send to the Task'll have to say something like 'I have decided to stop searching for Kira..and I'd like to thank the police department for all of their helpful advice. However, I still plan to help Kira execute his mission and someday I hope that he will see me as a worthy ally. I will begin by punishing criminals that Kira has yet to judge...' something to that extent," Light told her.

He paused a moment, making sure that Misa was following along before continuing on, "also I was thinking about adding 'I plan to share my powers with those that I feel are worthy, and I will encourage them to do the same...together we will make this world a better place'. That way we will throw off the police a little with their investigation. They suspect that two people have this killing power, so it wouldn't be a stretch for them to think that there could be others. And if they believe they can easily multiple, it'll create a can do you this?"

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