14|A Peculiar Memory And A Cause for Alarm

Start from the beginning

Then she wasn't alone. All around her, beautiful beings with glazed, transparent wings flew majestically in harmony, they made a semicircle as they explored the forest atmosphere together.

They were warriors. Akhealins. Warriors of air. She knew them... she loved them.
Just when she was about to call out to them in great joy, the sky swirled in darkness and they began to fall, one by one. Their wings disintegrated and they fell, helplessly, horrifically to their deaths.
Taylor was screaming, she couldn't stop. The pain, as each of these creatures she had loved fiercely fell from the sky, was indescribable. She wanted to die with them
"Take me! Take me too! Please!" She screamed at the invisible force killing her family. She couldn't explain the feeling invading her body, threatening to tear it apart in grief.

Then she was falling too. Like a meteorite, with a speed sure to burst her open once she touched the ground.
But no, she found herself in a cave.
With two other women. One was wounded, blood staining her side, the other held her upright with some difficulty.
They were fast walking out of the tunnel, bedraggled and constantly watching over their shoulders.
They couldn't see Taylor, she was like a ghost witnessing an event.

"Quick mirea, we are out of time"
Said the woman holding the wounded one.
Mirea grunted in pain but didn't make a move. Then it became obvious to Taylor she wasn't wounded, or the blood wasn't coming from her, but from the bundle she held beside her.
It was a baby! A new born.

Mirea held the bloody baby to her chest, the placenta was newly and roughly cut, it was obvious mirea had just given birth and for some reason forced to take flight.

Mirea held the child to her chest, whispering in a foreign language into the ears of the slumbering baby.
Strangely, from where she stood, Taylor heard and understood it all;

"When the time comes, my spirit will find you my dear child, and it will lead you to finish what I started"

Then she gently placed the child into the other woman's hands
"You know what to do" She said with finality

The other woman held the swaddled baby still coated in amniotic fluid and birth blood and nodded fiercely.
"Now go, the spell wouldn't hold for much longer"
"I can't leave you here mirea, those demons will kill you"

"You must go, hurry. I can hear them. Take the child exactly where I showed you and follow my instructions to the latter. The future of the faes lies in both your hands now"

"But sister..."


"Taylor! Taylor!" The not so gentle nudges dragged her from her trance.
Taylor opened her eyes to see a worried Anghel staring down at her. She was on a bed in a wealthy looking lush bedroom of Violet and gold tapestry and furnishings.

He raised her to a seating position, he quietly poured her water from a jug sitting on the bedside table, he offered it to her lips. She greedily gulped it down till he pulled the cup from her mouth
"Slowly" he warned.
Then he sat quietly and watched her in all intensity his eyes could carry.

"What" She asked in exasperation

"What? I should be asking you that. What was that? Why did you freeze up like that? Why couldn't I wake you? Does this happen a lot? Are you...sick?"

"No" Taylor answered softly, she herself was trying to comprehend what just happened, what she saw and her heart was still beating in overdrive, her brain muddled. She was scared, perplexed and anxious. For some reason, Taylor understood her life wasn't going to remain the same, she knew deep in her heart that something changed tonight and she wouldn't be liking it one bit.

Then Anghel grabbed her shoulders, he shook her once, forcing her roaming eyes to settle on his.

"You will tell me what is wrong with you woman, you will not hide something so important from me, do you understand that?" He grinded through his teeth as his eyes burned through hers in solid determination.

Taylor was tempted to be annoyed but it was obvious to her he was worried and was showing it in a gruff manner.
She touched his arms briefly and smiled in what she hoped was reassuring
"I am fine Anghel, I promise"

Anghel felt like a two headed mace hit his abdomen. Then a warm feeling spread from his stomach to fill all part of him. She smiled. She smiled! Just for him.

The place her hand had touched tingled in excitement, while the rest of his body screamed for her touch, even just briefly.

He knew he couldn't resist anymore, he gently brushed his fingers through her hair, feeling the silky strands sift between his fingers. He didnt take his gaze away from her slightly pink cheeks and the slightly parted rosy lips wet from the water she just drank.
She was trying her hardest to look through him again but Anghel wasn't having that. His hold on her shoulder softened to a caress and he leaned in slowly, bridging the space between them till they were breathing the same air. She looked up and her eyes caught his and the room suddenly spiked in temperature from the sparks their heated gaze ignited.

Anghel dipped his head and their lips were immediately entangled in a gut wrenching kiss. He had to guide her mouth to surrender to his seductive prowess till she kissed him back too.

Anghel couldn't get enough of her lips and the feeling it culled from deep within his belly, he shifted from where he sat, to the bed with her. And subconsciously she made room for him.
The kiss continued, passionate and raw, releasing pent up emotions. When she moaned, he felt his little friend jump in excitement. He caressed her cheeks as he deepened the kiss, aroused and excited as she gave back as much as she recieved.
When his hands began to roam in their own accord, she broke the kiss and roughly pushed him away.

Her lips were swollen deliciously, her cheeks a hue of scarlett, her chest fell and rose rapidly. She looked like a tempest come to tempt and destroy him.

Then she dived under the duvet and promptly used it to cover herself completely. Anghel found it endearing that she thought she could excape her feelings with a cloth as barricade. He knew what he felt; she wanted him just as much as he did.

Taylor was mortified! She blushed profusely under the duvet she used as a hiding place.
How could she loose control like that? How could she carry on with him that way after all the pep talks she'd given herself. It was like her heart betrayed her brain and now her body was suffering it!

"Go away!" She called from under the covers.

"Taylor..." Anghel started, making a move to drag away her flimsy cover.

"Please" She begged

Anghel hesitated then sighed in exasperation.
"When I get back, we need to talk" he said before he left the room in a frustrated huff.

When she was alone, she muffled a scream or two with a pillow. The shock soon cleared to reveal two things ;
One she just had her first real kiss.
Second, she loved every bit of it.
Thinking about it alone made her toes curl in pleasure and gave the butterflies in her stomach a field day.

Taylor couldn't deny it any longer; she liked Anghel despite her better judgment and she also acknowledged this was certainly a cause for alarm.

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