Chapter 3

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That night, I tried not to go to sleep because I knew tonight would be one of those nights, that seemed as if as soon as I went to sleep, morning would come to soon...I couldn't help but pass out though, all the crying I did that night, and the alcohol I had in my system that I consumed at the party, made me sleep like a baby, despite How afraid I was. I was awaked the next morning by a soft shake, I rolled over to look at the person who was standing there, it was my father.

"Hi Dad, Good morning" I said as I began to sit up.

"Good morning big head" he teased. "Paige told me you were here this morning"

My heart began to pound again, when he said the name 'Paige', it was as if it was a curse word or something. I immediately become afraid. "Yeah Dad, I spent the night here".

"That's nice baby, I always like it when you come by, but Bella, Why is the side of your face swollen?"

I remembered what happened last night, and that's when I noticed Paige standing at the door, with her eyes piercing my soul, and her arms crossed, it was almost as if she was silently threatening me.

"Me and Melinda, was play fighting last night at the party, and she got me", I said to my Dad. I wanted nothing more but to tell him that it was his wife, is a complete psycho bitch, who likes to beat on me, but I was afraid of her now more than ever.

"Well, next time you will have to get her back. No one puts their hands on my Baby", He stated with a serious expression. "I have to go to work now sweetie, I will see you later", he kissed me on the forehead and walked towards the door, kissed Paige who was still standing there and exited the room.

Paige, looked at me and smiled, then turned around and followed my father, closing the door behind her.

I sat quietly on the bed, I was completely afraid to do anything. Soon I stood to get up and walk to the door, as I attempted to talk myself into becoming more brave, I needed to tell Paige to stop controlling me, maybe I can get out of the spanking I knew she was going to give me. I tried to turn the knob, but that bitch had locked me in. I begin to panic, violently shaking the door.

"Let me out!" I shouted," let me out now! Please! I want to go home".

"There, there...", Paige said from the other side of the door. "Don't make a fuss, you will go home, just not now. We have some things that we need to discuss first, and as soon as your father has gathered all of his work materials from the garage and leave we will begin, but you need to be quiet! You are making things really bad for yourself, young lady. Disobeying me, lying and dressing improperly, I have to teach you how to be a proper young lady".

"You're Crazy!" I shouted back at Paige, "you can't do this to me, you can go to jail for this, I don't want you to hit me anymore, just leave me alone please!"

"Well, your father is officially gone", Paige said in the evil tone of voice she always uses. "It's time Mommy teach you right from wrong".

The door knob begin to move from the other side, Paige was coming in. I became afraid even more, when I knew she was moments away from "teaching me again" I ran back on the bed and put my knees up to my chest, as if It would shield me from Paige. I looked up at her as she approached the bed.

"Please no!" I begged, "I'm sorry, please don't hurt me."

Paige approached me smiling. She sat on the bed next to me, grabbed me by my hair and pulled me over her lap. She didn't even hold my legs down anymore. She knew I was too afraid of her to move from where she put me.

She started to spank me on my ass about 50 times, I believe, I just laid there crying, and pleading for her to stop, but she just kept going. She then pulled my pants down, and issued me about another 50 blows. I cried and begged, but she just kept going and going. She then pulled my panties down, I tried to stop her from doing that by tugging them up while she was pulling them down, when all of a sudden, I felt a hard smack on the top of my hands. "OW!" I screamed.

Mommy Will Make You A Good Little GirlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora