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"We hereby charge you, Alpha Alexander Weston, with three accounts of grande murder of pack Dartmouth, Griffin, and Moore." 

My world shattered. 

Alpha Everett continued on even when I was no longer active listening, "Also along with three charges of extravagance display of fallen packs in a disrespectful manner, extreme public aggression to threaten others, abuse of Alpha rights, and creation of offspring of a denounced Alpha of The Council." The last charge brought me back into the world present.

I echoed him, "Offspring of a denounced Alpha of The Council? Are you talking about my daughter?" I've been reading The Indoctrine for the past couple of days and I've read if The Council denounces an Alpha and they still have an offspring, the offspring will be killed to finish off the line of the Alpha. Kaseem came forward quickly, not wanting anybody to touch my daughter. I growled to keep them away. "There's no way you're denouncing me!" 

Alpha M'Baku came forward, almost just as big as Alpha Everett, "Your reign of killings is over, Alexander Weston." 

Out of nowhere, Ke'aysha stood up for me, almost just as anxious and scared, "That's Alpha Alexander to you." 

Alpha M'Baku spat, "Not anymore."

Everett continued on explaining, "Under the Indoctrine, we will confiscate your child and your pack will be disbanded from here on out."

I remembered a rule in the Indoctrine that they could never skip, "Wait! You have to give me a trial! None of this can be official unless I'm given a timely trial!" 

Silence had fallen between all of us. The Council had turned towards each other, a few of them shrugging, unable to confirm if what I had said were true or not, but Alpha Zhang, the smallest one of them all stepped forward into the conversation, "He's right. However, we do have the power to take your daughter as collateral for you to simply not run away from your 'trail'."

"The Westons don't run." I spat back. 

Everett had acknowledged what I said but through an upturned nose and a scowl of disgust on his face. 

Alpha Bolten beckoned behind me, "Mr.Weston."

I wasn't sure what he was asking from me, but then I realized he wasn't speaking to me. He was speaking to my father that was behind me. Douglas Weston brought my daughter up behind me, an obvious fear in her eyes as we passed. I reached out to her, but Father slapped my hand away, emitting a growl that warned me from trying it again. 

I wasn't sure of what to do. I couldn't just let my precious little Jazmyne be taken from my arms so easily. And that bastard was just giving her over! It's not even his child!

"Stop it, you bastard!" I yelled at my dad. 

Father turned around and warned, "This is the consequence for running our name to the ground!" 

I was far from enraged. I was livid. I stepped forward towards my father as my daughter has exchanged hands with another Alpha of The Council, "I'm gonna kill you!" I lunged, claws first and aiming at Douglas' neck, ready to tear him to pieces. But before I could get my hands on him, I felt a stinging on my side and electricity pulsing through me. I wasn't in control of my muscles as my momentum dropped me onto the floor onto my face. Pulses were making my muscles move on their own convulsing me into a black darkness. The last thing to go before the darkness was my hearing.


"Alex!" Alpha Anderson, who hasn't spoken a word ever since he stepped into my home, had taze Alex into the ground. He looked like he was having a seizure and it scared me half to pieces. After Alex had stopped moving, I tried to step to him to check on him, but Alpha Everett had stopped my passage to him. 

"Mrs.Moore." He addressed me, with a soft, more compassionate voice. I haven't heard that name in years, but I was sure I knew who he was talking to, "If you want to testify against Mr.Weston and make him responsible for the killing of your family. You can. No one is stopping you." 

I shook my head, not giving it much thought, "He's my mate." 

Alpha Bolten stepped closer to me, joining in the persuasion of my betrayal, "Just because he's your mate, doesn't mean he's a good person." 

I wanted to believe that Alex had gotten better over the past couple of years, but maybe it was because who he was aggressive towards change. Has he really gotten better? Alpha Everett chimed in again, "You're the only survivor of any of the massacres Mr.Weston is responsible for." I'm the only one after all these years. Alex always made sure there was no one left, "You can bring justice to your family, your pack, and others that were killed so brutally." 


TJ and Lamar deserved justice. 

Suddenly I was struggling with myself. After all these years, I wanted my family to get justice and this was my opportunity to get it for them. Maybe this is what The Goddess has in store for me. I don't know what to think anymore. 

 He stepped to me and placed his hand on my shoulder emphatically, "Think about it. Mr.Weston's trail will be held at the end of the week on my territory." When would I have to tell them? How much time do I have? Is Alex gonna be mad at me if I want to give them justice? "We'll be around to check on you, but you can leave with us to get away from him. You'd be protecting yourself and your daughter from him." 

"I...I..." I didn't know what to say. I watched as my daughter was scared to be around these strange men and I wanted to protect her, but Alex needed me too. I'm scared this is what has been on his mind these past couples of days. He knew about it and his father helped turn him in, helped give over his daughter. I'm the only person left on his side. 

I saw the tears welling in Jazmyne's eyes and I stepped to her, taking her hands and trying to be as sincere and genuine as possible. I didn't want her to be scared or mad at me either, "Jazmyne, baby," 

"Momma, I'm scared," she started to cry. 

I hushed her quietly, "Shh," I kissed her forehead softly to try to calm her, "Everything's going to be alright. I promise." 

She sniffled, "Is Daddy not an Alpha anymore?" 

I glanced at The Council that surrounded me with a demeanor that hides true intentions, "I don't know baby, but everything's going to be fine. Be my strong Princess and I'll make everything right again." 

The Council and Alex's father started to make their exit and they were taking Jazmyne with them. When she realized I was letting them take her away, she started to panic, "Momma. Momma!"

I felt myself betraying her over Alex, but this was the only way I could make things what they were. I just hoped she wasn't mad at me. The Council has seized the very thing I found precious in my life and she was begging me to take her back from the strange men.


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