/ Cherry Coke /

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Memories that would never be long forgotten.

And the sound of Yuri's voice humming to that cassette tape on repeat in my mind.

As if it was a record that I was playing over and over and over again.

I couldn't stop thinking about him.

I couldn't stop thinking about what he had said on the hood of my Jeep, in almost a quiet whisper........

I couldn't forget how we had said goodbye last night.

I couldn't forget anything.


"This is me right here," Yuri said, my Jeep pulling into the driveway of a run down house, with peach colored shutters and a white suburban door.

The house was small and quaint, and someone with a self righteous opinion would have considered it less than average.

But the only thing I could think about was what his life could possibly be like inside that house.

The car came to a complete stop as we sat there, still, in the complete silence of Crescent Shores at 3 a.m. in the morning.

"Does this conclude our freedom mission, Yuri Katsuki?" I asked him, his lips giving me one of those mischievous smiles again.

"That depends, did you feel it?"

"Feel what?"


"Oh. Oh......I uh.....
You know, for the first time, I think I actually did."

"Well, then I'd say we've been successful, Victor Nikiforov."

The crickets were still chirping as I watched Yuri hop out of my Jeep, moonlight shining on strands of his hair and in the rich iris of his eyes.

Eyes that stopped to turn back to mine.

"Hey, wait here for just a second."

He ran inside quicker than I could process, that denim jacket kid disappearing and reappearing within seconds.

With that same pink Ella Fitzgerald cassette tape in his left hand.

A jet black sharpie in the other.

My eyes watching his every move as he leaned his elbows against the door on my side of the Jeep, giving me smirking glances here and there through the rolled down window.

"You know, I've got a whole summer to waste down here in Crescent.
Sure would be nice to have someone to waste it with.
And like I said, you're a mystery Victor.
Might as well spend time figuring you out."

And with that, he was back inside of that peachy house, the screened in porch door gently shutting itself behind him.

Look At Me When I Look At You ⚣ VicturiWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu