G.T (Thor, Tony, Loki, Strange)

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Tony: So you two mentioned how science and magic are like the same thing on Asgard, so honest opinion, who's better, me or Strange?

Strange: Me of course, I can actually control time.

Tony: I technically threw a nuke into space when Reindeer games tried taking over the world.

Strange: Who?

Loki: I have a strong hatred toward both of you equally, and an especially strong hatred toward you Stark, for giving me that ridiculous nickname.

Thor: I suggest a battle to rectify the argument of who is better.

Strange: Oh, so I guess you forgive me for the whole making you fall for thirty minutes thing?

Loki: No, I still hate you also.

Thor: Brother, you hold a very strong grudge.

Loki: So does Stark, he brings up the alien invasion much too often to actually have forgiven me.

Tony: You tried to take over the freaking world, that's like the worst move any bad guy could make, why wouldn't I hold a grudge?

Strange: I actually agree, I would hold a grudge too.

Loki: It was one time!

Thor: Mortals do often hold a grudge, remember getting slapped by Lady Jane?

Loki: Shut up.

Tony: Wait, he got slapped by a girl?

Strange: Ok now I'm listening, tell me about this.

Loki: I swear brother, if you do, I will personally dump every bit of your remaining ale out of a window.

Thor: You wouldn't!

Tony: Bruce told me about the snake, stabbing thing when you were eight, I'm pretty sure he would.

Strange: Wait, how many stories do you guys have like this?

Loki: Quite a few fun stories involve me stabbing Thor.

Thor: It always was a normal occurrence during our earlier years.

Strange: Ok, I would really enjoy hearing all of these stories from your 'earlier years'

Tony: Yeah, me too, how have you two not killed each other yet?

Thor: Mostly because our mother would yell at us before we had the chance to decapitate each other.

Loki: It was annoying.

Strange: I must go, my cloak is bothering Wong again, I do want to hear these stories sometime, bye.

Tony: Me too, but I should get ready, dinner with Pepper in like ten minutes, signing off.

Thor: Have fun on your quests, and remember if you want to see who is better, that can be rectified with a simple battle, good bye.

Loki: Good riddance you mean.

Authors note:

In the title, G.T. is short for group text if you didn't realise that.

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