An assassin that cuddles? (Natasha)

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Authors note:

A reference to an adult activity coming up. (No actual smut so don't worry)

More than once you had made your way to Nat's room during the middle of the night because of a text, asking you to come help her get to sleep.

Usually she just enjoyed your presence beside her in bed while you read, other nights, it would be a complete cum-fest before you both just passed out beside each other, it was sort of a silent agreement that you two were a friends with benefits type of thing, but this night was different.

You didn't even have time to sit down before your phone buzzed, Natty: Hey, can you come to my room? we need to talk. You sat there for a minute thinking, "Maybe I left my underwear in her floor again." You mused outloud.

When you got to her door you realised it was opened just a crack, "Nat?" You asked before knocking on the door lightly, making it open a bit, "Come here, close the door." She replied from the bed where she was curled up in her blankets, you did exactly that.

She held the blankets up for you to get into her bed, like any other night, but instead of crawling on top of you, signaling she wanted to play, or just rolling over signaling she just wanted you to be there, she surprised you when she actually wrapped her arms around you and nuzzled into your neck, "Uh, Tash, what are you doing?" You asked her quietly, "Cuddling my (Boyfriend/girlfriend), now shut up and go to sleep." She replied, "So I'm officially dating an assassin that cuddles?" You mused, "I can live with that." You said before wrapping your arms around her and dozing off to sleep.

Another authors note:

Not many Natasha fan fictions have a gender neutral reader, so heres one.
Btw, the next one might be a Thor one, because I have a cute idea wrote down.

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