Chapter 1

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A/N: Just a quick little thing before we start. Id like to thank ykabee for all their help fleshing out this chapter and helping with the editing.


Breathe. In and out, its just that simple. Come on body...breathe. With tears building and the burning in my lungs I finally gasp for air, which only results in a coughing fit as my body tries to adjust. Coughing just makes the muscles of my neck hurt, there will be a nice bruise from Mr. Pain's hand tomorrow. For such a small and frail looking man he has quite a lot of strength. As my breathing returns to normal Mr. Pain just stares at me with that strange half pleased smile he always has when he visits me. Mr. Pain isn't a John, he's one of the men that works here. Sometimes I think about what could have possibly happened in ones youth to make them want to come here let alone work at such a place.

My focus is forced back on to Mr. Pain by his hand gripping my hair, pulling some out by the root. He must have noticed I wasn't paying attention anymore. That's why he's here, a John complained that I don't stay present during sessions and mind goes somewhere else. I ruined his fun, now I'm being punished. "Dumb bitch! Pay attention, it's disrespectful not to look someone in the eye when they're talking to you." I lift my chin just enough to look him in the eye like he asks, but keep my face and eyes blank as if I can't see him, almost like he isn't there.

"Better. Now that I have your attention, why don't we have a little fun?" Mr. Pain releases my hair and grabs my throat pressing his hand under my chin to lift me off the ground. Focus, just keep looking at him. Mr. Pain tilts his head almost like he's curious about something, "Are you ready?" Before I can even think about answering him, my head is slammed into the cement wall behind me. The hit is hard at one time it would have had me seeing stars, not anymore. Mr. Pain is going to have to do a lot worse if he plans to live up to his name. Mr. Pain presses his body into me and lets go of my throat to reach above me and shackle my wrists to the wall. Stepping back he slides his hands down me keeping me from kicking so he can bind my ankles as well. Holding me against the wall to shackle my legs seems pointless to me, I know better to fight back against my punishments.

My chin is forced back up making me look at the ceiling. I thought I was getting a lesson on not paying attention? "This will keep you engaged, little girl." I mentally sigh when I feel the first two prongs press into my chest. Mr. Pain lowers my chin slowly until the underside pressed into the top set of prongs and he buckles the strap around my neck to keep the device in place. The Heretic Fork. Such a simple, crood yet effective torture device. All it is, is an expandable rod with a set of prongs on each end. If it wasn't being used I could probably appreciate the rudimentary genius of it. As you move, whether its to look around or even breathe it forces the prongs into your skin. Now immobilized I have no choice but to look right into Mr. Pain's eyes, I guess he's gotten a bit more creative since I was last here. He admires his handiwork for a moment before walking out of the room leaving me hanging on that wall. I guess this isn't that bad, could be a lot worse, maybe it's my lucky day.

Like some sadistic psychic, in walks Mr. Pain with proverbial cart of curiosities. So scratch that about this being my lucky day. Mr. Pain parks his cart just out of my line of sight, shit, well I better prepare for the worst. No point in hoping for the best that ship fucking sailed. Standing right in front of me, almost close enough for our noses to touch, "Now that I have your full and undivided attention, I believe it's time to begin." I would like to say the anticipation from waiting was the worst part, but Mr. Pain doesn't believe in delayed gratification instead he lands a punch straight to my stomach causing my body to bend and the fork's prongs press into me. Feeling the blood drip down my neck and chest I take a deep breath in an attempt to refill my lungs.

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