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Min Ra frowned at his response and jumped up when Seol Hee screamed. The pair walked over to her and she was cursing at the wind who knocked down a trash can outside. "Hey bud, maybe you should just stay here for tonight. I can call your mom and let her know you're with me. Is that okay with you Min?" Min Ra was taken aback when they mentioned her, but she did not hesitate to agree.

Jimin insisted that he did not want to bother anyone, but after meeting eyes with a guilty looking Min Ra, there was no way he could say no...

...He did also think that it looked scary and dangerous outside to go walk home.

3rd Person P.O.V.

As the eldest finished the phone call with Jimin's mother they all cheered when they were told he was allowed to stay. Seokjin jumped on the younger one's back and they ran off. Seol Hee and Min Ra just watched in amusement. Min Ra was relieved that he didn't leave. She didn't want anything to happen to him.

'Why do you even care so much?' Min Ra thought to herself before shaking her head and heading downstairs with the rest. Seol Hee, unlike Min Ra, was making sure everyone knew how happy she was that they were all staying there.

"Hey guys! I just came up with a good idea... How about we all stay and sleep down here?" Seol Hee suggested. No one really paid attention and they continued doing their own thing. Seokjin and his dad were finishing setting up the third mattress and Min Ra and Jimin were sitting on the steps talking quietly. Seol Hee huffed and threw herself on the mattress. "Guys seriously, stop ignoring me."

Jimin looked over at where Seol Hee was laying and tapped Min Ra lightly so that she would look as well. Jimin laughed quietly when he saw Min Ra blushing. The girl thought he was laughing at Seol Hee. She pulled out her phone and started taking pictures of her cousin. When Seol Hee noticed, she began to pose as if she was at a photoshoot.

"Waaaaah! How dare you not call me for the fun part? I'm the most good looking person in this room. Come on!" Seok Jin interrupted the photoshoot and joined his sister. They were both on the mattress posing and then they began to do funny faces while bothering each other. Jimin hid his face on Min Ra's shoulder while laughing nonstop. Min Ra began laughing as well, mainly because of the siblings, but also because the boy next to her had the cutest laugh she had ever heard.

After they finished their family photoshoot, because yes their dad did join, they decided to go along with Seol Hee's plan and just stay there. They had decided Seol Hee and Min Ra would share a mattress, Jimin and Seokjin would share another and then Mr. Kim would have his own. Everyone went to their assigned mattress and turned on the tv to watch movies on Netflix while snacking on chips and popcorn that Min Ra had bought for herself for a lazy day.

*Min Ra and Jimin's conversation from before at the steps*

3rd Person P.O.V.

Min Ra sat quietly on the steps while watching everyone else help set up the extra mattress. Min Ra couldn't help, but stare at Jimin. He was pouting because no one allowed him to help and she unconsciously giggled. He noticed her smiling at him and began walking towards her. Min Ra quickly looked away blushing and he laughed and sat next to her. "Caught you." He said quietly while looking straight at her, smiling. They were both sitting fairly close to each other since the steps weren't that wide.

"Dang, was it obvious?" She turned to look at him and he laughed. "It was an educated guess, so no." Min Ra's face felt hot but her cheeks weren't showing it. The only thing showing her embarrassment is an awkward smile and a laugh. Jimin broke the silence between them and continued talking. "So, I guess I ended up staying anyway. Thank you."

Min Ra wasn't expecting him to mention that and felt her heart pounding faster in her chest. She didn't know what that feeling was. Was she anxious? Scared? Happy? Worried? There were too many possibilities, but what she did know was that she enjoyed his company and being so close to him made her want to rest her head on his shoulder and just fall asleep. He made her feel relaxed, yet somehow, her heart was still pounding out of control.

"You know you don't have to thank me. We aren't really close, but I really want to get to know you better. Either way, you're a guest and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to my guests." She surprised herself by how straightforward she was and tried to play it of by speaking of him as a guest. "Aww, that's sweet. You know, I'm actually pretty awkward when it comes to starting friendships, but for some reason I keep wanting to talk to you." The girl was surprised at his reply.

"Really? You've wanted to talk to me? That's weird. I don't really get that often, but I wouldn't picture you as the awkward type." Min Ra was trying to continue to talk about how he seemed interested in talking to her, but changed the topic back to him hoping that he wouldn't put her on the spot. Jimin laughed and something about it seemed sad. She noticed a hint of sadness in his face, but he quickly smiled at her.

"I'm more awkward than what you're probably imagining. I guess it really just depends on who I'm interacting with. I'm very close with the boys, we are like brothers so I'm very different around them. You would probably think I'm annoying if you saw me long enough." He laughed. She smiled at him sympathetically and spoke. "I think it wouldn't be possible for me to get truly annoyed by you. I used to be like that at some point too."

Jimin was surprised by that and said he didn't believe her. "I'm serious I was really loud and hyper. Kind of like Seol Hee, but nicer."
"I don't believe that." Jimin looked away from her hiding a smile and crossing his arms.
"Listen, you have to believe me don't be like that. I used to get in trouble for talking during class and I once almost made a kid fall off his chair because he stole mine." Min Ra exclaimed trying to prove her point.

"I need a video or it didn't happen." Jimin turned back to look at the girl and it was her turn to fake being upset. "How am I supposed to prove that to you?"
"I don't know, but your claim is suspicious. You said you were nice and now you're saying you almost purposely made someone fall? That completely contradicts your first sentence." She sighed and gave up. "Fine, you win. I have no proof, but one day I'll show you how I was in school. You aren't winning this." He laughed at her childishness and looked towards everyone else fixing up the basement.

While he laughed, Min Ra smiled and stared at him. She noticed the way he threw his head back when he laughed and how the corners of his eyes wrinkled. She noticed his bright smile and the beautiful noise coming out of his mouth. She thought he looked beautiful. He was handsome and anyone could tell from just looking at him. But she loved the little things he did that made her feel happy and safe. She didn't know what it was, but there was something about him. She wanted to find out what it was that made her like him so much.

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