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Eli dusted off the shabby roof shingles beneath his feet, and sat down, legs crossed, looking up at the blue sky.

"Hello." he smiled at you. His face was pale and bruised and framed with stray locks of dark hair. His eyes, a green so deep and rich, it was as if he was made of forest, looked up at you, fondly.

"I know it's been a while. School has been difficult. My professor is practically killing all of us with finals coming up."

He played with the watch tied to his wrist with a leather chord that had been snapped and re-tied in several places. His eyes averted from your own, away from the sky as they wandered away into some other world that he was dreaming up, undoubtedly.

"I missed you." he said finally. The words he said were not ones hard to say, timing was just lost on him. Here on the rooftop, the closest to the sky he's ever been, time worked differently. He could sit here for hours, waiting for you to pick up the book again. Waiting for you to see him again.

Eli looked again to the sky, smiling wide enough to fit every single star inside. "I've been thinking. Valentine's Day isn't too far away. I haven't ever done anything to celebrate before... but I was thinking..." He trailed off, trying to find the right words. He ran his fingers through the rips in his jeans. "Maybe, if you felt in the mood, for reading. I'd spend all day on the roof, to see you."

Eli looked off into his own thoughts again, as birds caught his attention and flitted past. Pairs of them flapped away into the trees, tweeting love songs to each other. You could see Eli breaking as he watched them. Without turning again to look your direction, he spoke.

"Maybe it sounds selfish of me... but I hope you never close the book.

I've, I've never reached the end of this story before, not with you or anyone else. I hope we don't have to end it."

Eli laughed to himself, a bitter laugh through watery eyes. "We could stay like this forever, just, please... don't turn the page.

...Stay with me forever"

Swinging Soundwaves- {Art Book #6}Where stories live. Discover now