Chapter Twenty Eight- "I Just Need You Right Now."

Start from the beginning



            After an hour-long conversation with Carina, we had made the plans for her to fly out here for the wedding thankfully so she could be my maid of honor. She was thrilled that I had chosen her but I’m not quite sure who she was expecting me to choose. She’s been the only one there for me practically my whole life.

            The front door flew open and I immediately heard the quick pattering of Jaxon and Jazzy’s feet. Justin and Jeremy had taken them to the park and Pattie and I decided to stay at home and watch lifetime movies all day. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to go with him; it was Justin that wouldn’t allow me to. He claimed that I ‘wasn’t up to it’ after our experience at the hospital. Maybe he was right, I don’t know. But I’ve missed him all day.

            “Baby!” Justin flung himself down next to me with a cheesy smile on his face and placed a long, lingering kiss against my lips. I couldn’t help but smile with excitement at the amount of affection he was giving me.

            “Hi!” I laughed.

            “Would you be okay with watching Jazzy and Jax tonight with me?”

            Before I could respond, Pattie looked over at him from the leather chair she was seated in with a confused expression.

            “Why would you need to do that?” She asked.

            A sly smile came across Justin’s face and I knew that this wouldn’t be good. He’s always up to something so I guess I should have expected it because he most likely has something up his sleeve.

            “I booked a restaurant for you and dad tonight.” Justin replied proudly. “I think it’d be nice for the two of you to catch up some more.”
            “Hey I didn’t have anything to do with this.” Jeremy chuckled and took a seat next to Pattie. “I just found this out when we pulled in the driveway.”

            Why would Justin book a restaurant for the two of them? I hope he doesn’t think that his mom and dad have a chance at getting back together because the odds of that happening are really slim. I didn’t want him to get his hopes up for nothing. Just because Jeremy and Erin are divorced, doesn’t mean he’s ready to move on quite yet.

            “I don’t know…” She trailed off. “I guess it would be fun to get away for a night.”

            “That’s what I said.” Jeremy agreed. “Are you sure about this Justin?”
            Eagerly nodding his head, Justin took out a credit card from his wallet and slid it across the table. He’s utterly insane.

            “Go wherever you want and have fun.” He said excitedly. “Sophia and I got things covered here.”


            Pattie and Jeremy have been gone for a little over two hours and Jazzy and Jaxon were passed out on the floor in front of Justin and I. We had put in the movie Nemo – which was Jazzy’s request – and it didn’t take more than thirty minutes before they were both asleep.

            “Why did you book that restaurant?” I asked.

            “Why the fuck do you think?”

            Completely astounded at his sudden choice of language, he pushed me onto my back and started to kiss rapidly down my neck. I then realized he had booked the restaurant so the two of us could have sex.

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