Start from the beginning

"Hey, you ready?" Zayn asked, hyped up.

"Yeah, want some cotton candy?" Harry asked, with a tub of cotton candy.

"Sure." We said.

"Don't you be getting my car sticky or dirty." Doniya warned. We promised and ate cotton candy on our way their. We didn't eat dinner tonight, we were going to a midnight snack after the concert. In about forty minutes, we arrived at the arena. There were a huge ass ton of fans, mostly gangsta style teenagers and very provocative girls, who obviously were for Nicki Minaj. We went inside and we were directed to our seats by security guards. The stage was closed and nobody were there yet. But yet, fans were already live streaming and screaming.

Finally, after about twenty minutes, there was a light. Migos came out with their song, Stir Fry. Seeing Zayn and Doniya jumping up and down, rapping along made me laugh. I couldn't understand a word that Offset was rapping, but it looked pretty good, their cocky dance moves. Then Cardi B came out and started rapping Motorsports. The crowd screamed so loud when she came from under the stage.

"Ride his dick like a BMX, no nigga wanna be my ex!" She shouted into her microphone. She was wearing a black and pink latex suit, exposing her ass and titties. Then, Nicki Minaj came out and started her sassy rap, as she dropped out of the air. She had on a freakishly long black and yellow weave and wore a silver, full latex bodysuit, showing off that huge Trinidadian ass.

"Yo, you should shut your man, you should shut your mouth, bitches be suppressed, administer mouth to mouth." She rapped, pointing her acrylics into the crowd, with a bitchy scowl.

"Oh my god! It's the goddess herself!" Zayn screeched. He high-fived a few other Barbz in the crowd.

"Wow, I'm glad he's happy!" Harry shouted to me.

"Yeah, that's true! Though I can barely understand a fuck of a word you or Nicki is saying!" I shouted back. "So damn loud!"

"I know right!" He replied.

We listened through the other songs. I started to laugh my ass off when Nicki performed Stupid Hoe and Anaconda. But the crowd took it way too seriously. More people screamed when Nicki Minaj brought out Ariana Grande. They performed Side to Side, Get Down on Your Knees and Bang Bang. Even without Jessie J. When everybody were done, they had a few words to say.

"Yo! Anybody got a boyfriend or girlfriend out there?" Cardi shouted. The crowd screamed.

"Well, don't be shy with them!" Quavo shouted. "Go up to them and tell them that you love them!"

"Go and give them a hug and a kiss, life is short and don't be scared to live it!" Takeoff instructed.

"Like my beautiful man, Offset," Cardi added, hugging Offset.

"So go, and don't be scared to love, love because the world needs it!" Ariana said. Then Nicki took the mic and I swore, she looked directly to me.

"Don't be afraid to be the one to propose, if your boyfriend don't propose to you, then be the one to propose to him, that's because you're the one who be the muscles and balls of the relationship!" Nicki said, pointing into the crowd, flipping her weave. Even though I wasn't a fan of her, I thought about what she said. But we were only seventeen.

"You're never too young to get married!" Cardi said into her mic.I thought about it. Do I really want to propose to Zayn yet? We've only been dating for several months, how could we possibly make such a decision so soon? I completely forgot about what the other things that they said, Nicki's and Cardi's words stuck in my brain. There were some free prizes that they threw into the crowd. Stuff like T-shirts, makeup, fragrances, gift cards, more free tickets and autographed shoes and snapbacks. We were way too far to catch anything.

"Wow! That was amazing!" Zayn screamed when we came out. I could tell it would take awhile to get out of his fanboy mode.

"I know right! I loved it!" Doniya replied. Harry just gave me a 'just let them have their moment' look. They went on social media on the way to Doniya's car to post their adventure. It was about ten o'clock. We decided on just going to Long John Silver for dinner that night.

"Hey Zayn, you out of fanboy mode now?" I asked as we sat down for our meal. Harry sat next to me, with vegetarian side dishes and Doniya sat next to Zayn.

"Enough to have a conversation." Zayn said. That meant at least enough that he'll pay attention to me. I took a bite of fish.

"That was a pretty good concert, the lights were great." Harry said.

"You paid attention to the lights? What the fuck? There were literal gods and goddesses in front of us and you looked at the lights?" Zayn gaped.

"Well, their glory were so great, we couldn't look directly at them. I winked.

We finished our food. Zayn was so tired from fanboying, as that had taken a huge toll on his small body. He was pretty small, only five feet seven. So he was pretty easy to carry back to Doniya's home. He was so cute when he was asleep. But I had to go home. I drove home, with a smile of a motherfucker. I dropped Harry off at his house, as he didn't have a car yet and Doniya was also quite tired from the night. Like brother, like sister. I had a great night. Even though the concert was hot, sweaty, loud and smelly, it was an experience that I wouldn't trade for the world. I would never trade that experience for anything else.
But, I thought about what Nicki Minaj and Cardi B said at the concert though. I wanted to propose to Zayn, I felt as if I was ready to be a husband, or at least a fiancé, but again, I also thought I was ready to be a father. I was way too young. At the last moment, I pushed away the thoughts of proposing. I would wait until we finished schooling. I didn't want to make the same mistake again. A divorce would be so much more painful than an abortion.

Ah, so this was a bit of a filler chapter, but lemme know what you think, yeah? Only a few more chapters left and idk what I'll do next, I've got some more book ideas, but idk if I have enough time to write them though. We might have to wait until next school semester.


If you could ask each of the boys irl a question, what would it be?


Harry: Can you help me get into an acting career?

Liam: Can you help me get into a singing career?

Louis: Can you help me out with becoming a socialite like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian?

Niall: Can I work for you in some way, shape or form?

Zayn: Can you help me get into a modeling career?

OMG, I'm so selfish, XD

Love Can be Frightening *A Ziall AU*Where stories live. Discover now