Light My Wounds With Kerosene

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This is for the kids with the Beaten in Lips
Who's parents tried to shut them up
Using their fists
Keep living loud and proud
They never can hold you down
This is for the kids with a soul like mine
When people tell you living
Is a waste of your time
Keep living loud and proud
They never can hold you down
-Beaten in Lips by Beartooth

"I still don't like the fact that you're leaving." Edward spoke and I rolled my eyes. "She could tell anyone Carlisle!"

"Rebel, are you planning on telling anyone our secret, effectively endangering our entire world and everyone in it that you love, such as Bella and Jasper?" Carlisle asked and I shook my head. "There you go Edward, she can go visit her cousin now." I knew about the Cullen's being vampires. Bella was my best friend and she came to me when she first found out and was pretty freaked, I became very close with Jasper soon after they found out I knew, he couldn't smell my blood and we got along very well, talking about books and music, we told each other everything, and I do mean everything.

"Be safe darlin', are you sure you don't want me to drive you to the airport?" I shook my head, seeing the taxi pull up outside.

"I'm fine Jazz, I'll call you when I land."

"You'll text when you're safely at the airport, and safely on the plane, and when you land and when you get to your cousins house, I want to know you're okay. Call if I need to come get you, I will if I have to, okay?" I nodded.

"Okay Jazz, I promise. Take care of him Alice, distract him so he doesn't notice when I don't call 20 times every day." I said hugging her and Jasper growled.

"You will call at least 10, tell me everything, wear your coat, and don't go outside after dark, um, what else is dangerous for humans? Oh, don't take drinks from people you don't know!" I waved as I walked out the door, not wanting to hear any more of his rules, though I doubt I could escape, he would just text them to me.

The plane ride was okay, I took a nap and texted everyone for a while before arriving at the airport only to be tackled by my cousin. "Elena!" I cheered upon seeing her, she hugged me tightly...almost too tightly but I let it go, getting hugged by Emmett everyday really desensitizes you to tight hugs.

"Rebel! I'm so glad you're here! We are going to have so much fun!" We went back to her car and she took me to the Grill before anything else, knowing I was starving. We spent the evening there, hanging out with her friends. I had missed Caroline and Bonnie but now I got to meet Damon and Stefan as well as Caroline's boyfriend Tyler.

"I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." I walked to the bathroom and did my business before pulling out my phone and texting Jasper.

R: Safe and sound. Elena took me to eat and I believe we're about to go home. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

J: Text me when you get home first.

I sighed heavily before texting him again.

R: Jazz, I know you're worried about me without being here to protect me but you need to calm down, I'm perfectly safe, this is a small town where nothing ever happens!

J: That's what people say about Forks, and you know what lives here? US!

I couldn't help my giggle before texting him back.

R: I promise there are no vampires here, I've been keeping an eye out for red or golden eyes, I'm perfectly safe. Relax.

J: Fine, text me tomorrow, goodnight kitten.

R: Goodnight tiger!

We had gone to the carnival once and got our faces painted, he's called me kitten ever since and I call him tiger to annoy the fuck out of him. I walked back to my table before seeing a man taking up my seat. "What is it Elena, it smells divine, I just want to know." His accent made me weak at the knees and I almost didn't want to interrupt them because I wanted to hear it again.

Beaten In Lips (Klaus Mikaelson One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now