Harry Hook

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Harry Hook gasped for air as the stone that once was his body slowly disappeared. He locked eyes with a set of pretty jay blue eyes as Petra Pan slowly returned to herself as well.

"Harry" she said breathless.

Harry pulled her to his chest giving her a tight squeeze as he watched the locals of the Isle slowly returning to themselves. He chuckled watching as the mousy girl wrapped her arms around his best friend Gil's neck. The two seem happy he thought as he heard a squeak. His girlfriend's annoying pet Ferret along side his little sisters came running towards the two. Petra laughed softly as her ferret run up her pants onto her shoulders. Harry even found himself laughing as the ferret swatted at him but nuzzled against Petra's jaw happily.


Harry narrowed his eyes as he heard T's voice. A low growl escaped his lips as Harry started to march up to the boy however he stopped in his tracks when he noticed what was happening. T froze in place his eyes widen as he tried to struggle against the stone slowly taking over his body. Harry watched for once feeling pity for the boy as Petra gave her boyfriend's hand a light squeeze. The two watched in both sadness and fear as the son of Tinkerbell turned to stone.

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