My Big Fat Celebrity Crush [2]

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"Did you hear me? I said, 'Do you want to get signed?'"

My mouth dropped open in shock and so did my phone, out of my sweaty hand.

"Hello, are you alive there?" Nicolas chuckled.

"You're joking!" I exclaim, regaining my senses. I picked my mobile back up and jammed it to my ear. This guy had to be cranking me. 

"I'm not, Miss Jenkins." Nicolas replied in amusement. "So what do you say to us flying you out to California, record a few songs, and make your dreams come true?"

Become famous over night? Leave my mom to deal with her drinking problems? Leave Canada all in general? 

What do I say to all that?

"If you say yes, we can get you a plane in the next hour."

My dreams were just in my grasp, but I was hesitating. Why? This could all be a dream. I'd wake up and cry myself to sleep.

I pinch myself and wince when I realize I'm fully awake.

"I-I, yes!" I stutter.

"Great! I can assure you, you won't regret this. This isn't a prank! You're really going to Hollywood. Congratulations!"

My smile stretched into a huge grin. This wasn't a prank either. I exhaled out through my nose. Nicolas kept rambling. All I heard was 'big' and 'famous'.

"Pack all your bags, go to your local airport, and someone will be there with the deets."


With that, he hangs up. I click over to the other call, still in disbelief.

Did I seriously just agree to pack my things, go to Hollywood, and become famous? I totally freaking did!

"Took you long enough," Breanne harrumphs. "Who was it anyway?"

I'm suddenly in a giddy mood. I explain to Breanne who it was while I rummaged through all the important things I'd need.

"So basically, I'm moving to Hollywood!"

The other line is silent. I'm guessing Breanne is just as shocked as I am. Like, she literally wasn't saying anything. A silent thud was heard in the background.

"Did you drop something, Brea?"

Suddenly, she's shrieking into the phone. "Oh em gee, you're gonna be famous! I'm gonna have a famous best friend! I can so put this on twitter and-"

I cut her off sharply. "Nu uh, if the fans are going to know, it has to come from me."

"Fair enough," She replied.

Aha, I found you polka dot suitcase!

I grabbed everything that was summer-y enough. Being in Canada, it didn't get warm often. So, I have a limited amount of shorts, t-shirts, and flip-flops. 

I pack bathroom necessities, every box of pads I own (who knows how long I’ll be gone), and basically everything important to survive in another country in one big suitcase.

"You'll need a boarding pass!" Breanne was still going on.

I sure did. You couldn't go from Ontario to the states. I'll be an immigrant...


I'm still on the phone as I make my way downstairs, clothed, packed, and ready to make my dreams come true. It's a long way down, ending in my suitcase and me rolling down the last fifteen steps.

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