Levicy turned away from the rations she was putting together and faced Chyna. "I figured, being that I aint wanted, I could go into town and pick up some things y'all may need?" Chyna offered. She had to drop her smile as her jaw was screaming at her.

Chyna touched her cheek gingerly, "I-I also need t go see rutherford. I need something for this gnawing pain" Chyna added.  Levicy nodded and went to fetch a pen and paper. Chyna frowned "you dont have to go through all that trouble Miss. If in you just tell me I'll remember it." She said quickly. But it was to late, Levicy shoved the paper into Chyna's hand along with a coin purse.

"You aint going alone, take Cotton and Robert E. with you" Levicy said. Chyna frown "no ma'am" she sid sternly. "Its not safe them bounty hunters won't feel nothin bout snatching those boys up to draw out Anse and the test. I wont lead anymore sheep to slaughter." Chyna said.

Levicy nodded "fine but be back by dusk." She sighed. "Yes ma'am" Chyna said with a small bow "take the gray mare she rides easy!" Levicy called after her. With an exasperated dogh Levicy clutched a cloth to her chest. "They are gonna be the death of me these children..." She muttered.

Johnsey had gotten up nearly as early as Cap had. He road around Roseanna's Aunt's secluded home full of confidence. Cap and Robert E. had given him a pep talk a rarity he greatly appreciated as he needed all the courage he could muster this morning.

Johnsey dismounted his horse and walked to the small flower garden and started picking ones he thought Roseanna would like. Clearing his throat he strode to the steps and took a long swig from his whisky flask. All the courage he could get, in a bottle or so he hoped.

He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

The moment Becky, Roseanna's aunt, open the door a large bitter frown spread across her face. For a split second Johnsey caight the smile that would have been there had it not been him at the door. She was old but still beautiful with long gray hair and rose skin. Johnsey felt like he was looking down at what Roseanna herself would look like 40 years down the road. 

"M-ma'am" Johnsey stumbled in his words, he wasnt expecting a warm welcome after abandoning Roseanna and his unborn child. But all the same he wasnt expecting that 3 mile long frown either.

"I'd like to see Roseanna, see our baby" he said, more steady now as he removed his hat respectfully and put on the face of a perfect gentleman. But Aunt Becky rolled her bright blue eyes and deepened her frown. Checing inside to make sure Roseanna had not been woken.

"Even if she weren't to sickly," she started out with venom on her tongue, "I doubt she'd want to see the murderer of her Brothers." said Aunt Becky, the scowl on her face and danngers in her eyes could have killed. "I didn't murder them, i lifted my Rifle, shot over their heads." Johnsey said, was the truth and he told everybody he could. But he was a Hatfield and no one belived him that didn't know him.

Aunt Becky clicked her tongue in distaste and shook her head sarcastically. "Look a man - a man's got a right to see his own child..." Said Johnsey. Aunt Becky's lips formed into something that was neither smirk nor scowl "you got no rights here!" She sneered. "Now get yourself off my porch!" She snapped, quickly slinking inside and slamming the door.

Cap stood next to Lark looking over a blueprint of the cabin. It wasnt going to be anything special. They just didnt have time for that, no upstairs, just one large open room which would serve as living, dinning and kitchen and two small rooms in the back bult into the hillside. His grandpa left him this land, old mining land that ended up being nothing but an old bears cave there was nothing valuable about it.

But Cap had never been so glad that he had it as he was right this moment. "If we just build it as a box and add rooms latter I'll go faster" Lark said. Cap nodded. He hated having to rush. Sure he had helped his Pa build things but this was his first house all on his own."right well lets get a move on." said Cap gather up his tools.

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