To Ash

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Happy mother fucking birthday chica
You're now a legal adult
This is going to be sappy
So here it goes
Thanks for being my best friend since the end of first grade/ the beginning of second grade. You've became more than a best friend, you became someone who I call a family member, but you're past that it's hard to explain. You've seen my good and bad days, you know what ticks me off and what makes me happy and cry. You know a good majority of my secrets that I've never told anyone. I don't think I had to come out to you, I guess that's how close we are. You've seen some of my scars, and never asked about them, but I guess you knew. You've been there every time I feel in love and when my heart has been broken. You know who I fell in love with and you know quite a bit of my love life. You've seen me grow as a person. You've taught me that I'm a complex person, and a force that nobody should mess with. You've made me realize how much of a feminist I am at an early age. You also made me realize that I'll be okay with being single for the rest of my life, if I do give up on love.
I can't describe you
You are complex but yet simple but also past that. You can be an explosion whenever someone or something ticks you off. You can be loud whenever you want to be heard. You give me strength, whether you know that or not. In a sense you're my rock. There's so much more about you but I can't put it into words. Yeah we might have small arguments with each other once in a while, but we forget about like an hour later, but those small agreements you've taught me that I can be loud. Also you've taught me I shouldn't let people walk over me. It's also a plus that we have quite of stuff in common. So thanks for sticking around for the longest time and being my best friend and breaking me out of my shell. I can't wait until we get an apartment together and be roommates. Happy birthday aces_ash  love ya!

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