I met someone

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I met a boy
I met a boy who came into my life
I met a boy who's not afraid being himself
I met a boy who makes me happy
I met a boy who makes me smile and makes me laugh, even when I have bad days
I met a boy who doesn't mind staying up until 2 or even 4 in the morning with me, just talking about the most random things
I met a boy who makes me smile before I go to bed
I met a boy who makes the voices/monsters quiet down for a long time
I met a boy who makes the stars shine brighter than before
I met a boy who I started having feelings for
I met a boy who finds me cute
I met a boy who makes me think of him right now while typing this
As pravana once said " you are a mystery to me, yet so familiar. Like a song I've never heard before, and a tune I've known my entire life"
I think I found a boy who I want to be with
And I hope we have a chance together

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