You Make a Friend

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You're a very shy kid. The only people you've had human interaction are the ones who live at the manor.

You were a recess when a boy about your age walked up to you. "Hi! I'm Luke!" You jumped as Luke walked up to you. "(Y-Y/N)..." You stuttered. Luke smiled as he grabbed your hand, taking you to the playground where a friendship was born.


Group work was assigned in your class and you were stuck with this girl by the name of Shelby. She was pretty bubbly and nice, but you were just trying to focus on your work, not the bubbly girl next to you.

"Hey (y/n), we should become friends! You're nice!" Shelby giggled. "Yeah, sure" You muttered.

Next thing you know, Shelby was latched onto your arm. 'What have I gotten myself into?' You though to yourself.


No one really wanted to be your friend as everyone knew who your father was. You were sitting in the corner by yourself when a girl a little taller than you walked up to you. "May I sit down?"

You nodded and moved over for the girl to sit down. "I'm June" June introduced herself. You smiled softly "(Y/n), but I'm pretty sure you know who I am" She smiled "I do! And the others are wrong about not liking you. Just because your father isn't the best person, doesn't mean you're not nice"

You were taken back by those words and let June into your life.


You occupied yourself was a spider that you picked up from the playground, all the other girls ran away but you were used to the spider. A boy walked up to you. "You like spiders?"

You looked up and nodded. "Yes, I have one at home. I'm trying to get my father to let me get a yellow bird aswell!" (The bird is because everyone wanted Disney princess're welcome...) The boy sat next to you "That's cool! I'm Connor!" "(Y/n)" Connor shook your hand and you two became best of friends.

A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update, I have severe writers block and didn't know what to write. I'll have new chapters up soon guys I swear!

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