First Steps

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A/N: Only doing Claude and Sebastian due to you (the reader) being only a year old or so.


Your father has been very busy lately and has had very little time to spend with you. As you were very close with your father, you wanted him to notice you somehow. You crawled on your small hands and knees to the kitchen where he was preparing dinner for the young Lord.

Sebastian was humming softly as he peeled potatoes. He didn't hear or notice you entering the room. You soon let out a soft yelp. Sebastian quickly turned around, seeing you push yourself up onto your chubby legs and take a few steps forwards before falling flat on your butt. Sebastian smiled brightly and picked you up, kissing your soft (s/c) cheek. "You walked (y/n)! Good job Kitten!" You loved the praise from your father and clapped your hands, giggling cutely.


You were playing with some building blocks while Claude was cleaning up your room. You looked around your room, seeing your father on the other side. You squeeled and the block in your small hand flew across the room. You were saddened by this and wanted your toy back.

Claude saw the block by his foot and looked at you. You pouted and waited for Claude to bring you your block. Claude simply shook his head and continued to clean. You huffed softly and started to crawl.

Crawling soon bore you and you wanted to try something new. You pushed yourself up and took a few steps until you feel onto your tummy right in front of the block. You giggled and grabbed the block, putting it in your mouth.

Claude smiled as he watched you take your first steps. He shook his head slightly and picked you up, kissing your small head. "Good job, my little spider."

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