My Possession

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" Vikram, I didn't give birth to Aadhik for you. But because he's my part. So you don't need to be thankful. And speaking about this farmhouse of yours. I can't keep it. I'm sorry. "

Vikram was shocked by her words.

" Why? Why can't you take this? "

" Because... We don't share that relationship anymore. What would people say if I stay in your farm house? "

" Why do you care about people? "

" Because Vikram. It was me, who had to hear taunts from people when you left me. I hope you'll understand and won't force me. I felt happy that you came here to break my fast. "

Vikram was hurt. He left from there.


Sleep was far away from his eyes. Only Maya was roaming on his head.

" How can she refuse my gift? "

He then remembered her look when she was claded in red saree with mangalsutra on her neck and vermillion on hair partition.

" She's mine. She's still mine. She belongs to me and only I have the right on her. "

" Would I able to get her back ? "

" What if aadhik knows everything about us, and starts to hate me. "

" Oh no. That shouldn't happen. "

" I want them back. Really want in my life. "

" But what would Maya thinks off "

He finally dozed off thinking about maya.

Next day he decides to pay a visit to Maya. So he entered his car and drove to her house.

On the door he heard sounds of talking and giggling. He looked through the window to find Mayank had payed a visit to them.

" What the hell is this guy doing here and how did he get to know her address. "

He saw her whispering something near her ear to which she laughed and that was it. He couldn't tolerate the sight anymore and decided to leave from there.

In the office he was waiting for her to confront her about Mayank. He was angry and frustrated.

As soon as Maya entered he pulled her by waist. She was shocked with his sudden behaviour.

He eyed her lips and attacked them by his. He started kissing her in a rough manner. Maya was struggling and finally managed to pushed him. But he was in no mood to stop there. He again pulled her and started chewing her lower lip.

Maya couldn't take it anymore. She pushed and slapped him. Vikram was furious at her.

" What is this Vikram? Every time you make me feel like I am a mere toy of yours. Whenever you like you play with me and then dump me. What exactly happened now? "

" When someone has the right to do anything with you, can't I? "

" Just spit it. What's your exact problem. "

" What was that Mayank doing in your house? May I know? "

" Vikram are you keeping an eye on me. He just made a friendly visit that's it. "

" Friendly my foot. His intentions aren't friendly at all. "

" What are you saying? And why are you bothering? For Aadhik? "

" No. This time for you. You're my possession and no one else has a right on you. Do you get that? "

" How after all this years you suddenly remembered your possession? Where was this thought when you dumped me like a garbage for some other girl? Where were you when I was struggling with my life and when I needed you the most? Why didn't you care for once about me? "

" Listen to me Maya, no one should come between me and my family. And don't try even once to think about anyone else. "

" Don't you think I would have married someone by now if I had to think? But truth is I can't move on from you unlike you. You're happy with Tanya and planning to settle with her. I can't even think about that. There's difference between us Vikram. Remember that. "

She said and stormed out of the room.

Vikram got a call. He didn't even bother to glance once at the name flashing on screen. He just picked it up in a hurry.

" Hello. "

" Hi baby... "

He looked at the screen once then continued.

" Yes Tanya. "

" Listen I have to go to Singapore for a month. After that we can plan to settle down. "

" Do what you like. Don't bother me. Bye. "

He hung up the call.

" What's wrong with him now? On other days he would be running after me to spend some time. Today he tried to avoid me. Who cares. I need his money and fame, not time. "

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