Chapter 1 ~ The Court Room

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For several days I travelled with a small groups of soldiers. I was never treated very well despite me doing every single thing I was told to do. I wanted to be on my best behaviour but despite this, the knights seemed to hold a distain for me that could not be quelled by being good. I knew the final destination would be the castle in which the king of the Western kingdom lived, there is would be decide what was to be done with me.

Walking through the halls of the castle, I kept my head down, I felt beyond out of place here and I knew the punishment I would receive from my Master for even stepping foot in here would be beyond anything I'd ever received from him before. I stared down at my dragging feet, my teary eyes burring my vision as I was lead into a room where dozens of people watched every move I made. I couldn't stop myself from whimpering as I looked up at a man sitting high on a throne before me. He glared at me harshly, I'd assume this man to be the king. I lowered my gaze to the ground, at my scabby and skinned knees, dirt caking the crakes and clinging to whatever it could take hold of. I was a complete mess from head to toe which didn't feel right while in the presence of someone so high and important. The knights guarding me took entertainment in beating me over the past several days and I'd barely eaten anything the entire time, which wasn't unusual for me in either case, but I knew it showed in my outward appearance. I wasn't allowed to sleep much either, I was jabbed with hot pokers the seared my skin whenever I did, so I'd been left walking with my feet dragging resulting in many falls when I would be tripped by an unnoticed rock or tree root in my path and that merely resulted in a kick to the ribs before being dragged to my feet and yelled at to move. I was in pain just standing there with my arms stiffly held behind my back.

"Who are you girl?" The king asked in a tone I couldn't quite understand. His voice seemed to shake the room resulting in silence from every person from within, every gaze focused on me.

My head remained lowered, eyes on the ground while I answered. "My-my name is-is L-lilac s-s-sir." I stuttered, I teeth chittering in fear, eyes heavy with exhaustion and breath heavy with pain.

The king leant back in his throne, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "Who do you work for?" He continued in the same tone, although quieter this time, it held the same amount of power.

I flinched but stayed quiet, scared of how everyone in the room would react when they found out – although some part of me guessed they already knew.

"Who do you work for girl!?" The king said louder, obviously angered by my delay.

I whimpered, shaking even more and squeezing my eyes tightly shut. "I-I w-work f-for... for my M-master, S-sir." I cried.

The King was silent for a few moments making me think that what I had said upset him, tears fell from my eyes like two little waterfalls, my entire form trembling from head to toe.

Finally, he spoke. "Is he the leader ruler of your people?"

"I'm not of the people, I am a slave for my Master Sir. He is the ruler of the Eastern Kingdom." I replied in a whimper as I struggled to keep the bottled fear and agony swimming around inside of me contained.

Again, the King was silent. I gathered up enough courage to slowly open my eyes and look up at the King, although I made sure not to raise my gaze higher than his to show I knew my place was beloy his.

"What do you know about your 'Master' girl?" He asked with interest, cruel glee concealed in his eyes. "Be careful in what you say, it may just be what saves your life."

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out other than a squeak of fear. I closed my mouth and tried to clear up a little to speak, fearing punishment. I didn't know what to say, I know how he likes his tea and details as such that came with serving him but I knew little about him otherwise, I wasn't permitted to know.

"I said, what do you know girl!?" The king yelled louder. The guard holding me punched the back of my shoulder blade making me squeal in fright and pain.

Without knowing what else to do, I burst into tears, trembling in fear. I could not find my voice to speak or answer his question which in turn made me more afraid of punishment.

He looked down at me, trembling in fear below him. "Take her to the interrogation room, if she doesn't tell you every little thing she knows you are to force it out of her. Understood?" His statement was obviously directed to the guard holding me, I could barely make it out over my pathetic cries.

The guard dragged me roughly back, I fell limp, my lilac hair falling over my face as I made no effort to fight back. My terrified sobs would have made my pleas inaudible anyhow. My runny snot bubble at my nose as I struggled for air in my fear.

"Wait!" A voice called out, I slowly opened my eyes and followed everyone's gaze to a boy with dark blue hair and lighter blue eyes. He was standing right beside the King, I was surprised in myself for not having noticed him before. He seemed to be a young adult and his expensive attire and crown upon his head showed that he was most likely the Prince.

With a growl of irritation, the King turned to the boy. "What is it son?"

The Prince looked at me in pity. I just shook in fear and pain, still crying out of everything. "Let me take her." He said without looking away from me. "She's just a child. Let me look after her and I will get the information you want." He turned to his father, meeting his gaze with one I'd never dare to use with anyone superior then I.

My whole body was rigged in fear as the Prince pleaded for mercy in my place. The King was silent again. "Very well, take the girl to Isaac's quarters and make sure she stays there. Son, I want to speak with you before you leave." The King was very obviously irritated as everyone watching stood up to leave.

I was then dragged in a different direction, yelping in pain as the force from being dragged everywhere without warning was starting to take its toll on my aching arms. The guard lead me through castle, taking too many turns to count before pushing me into a room without a hint of warning. Falling to the ground after having my shackles removed from my wrists, the guard sneered slightly before leaving the room, closing and locking the door behind him. I pushed myself up onto my knees, not even bothering to look at the room before dragging myself to a dark corner where I pulled my knees to my chest and cried into them. I let out all my fear and pain, something I was forbidden to do but at this point I doubted things could get and worse than they already were.

But what I never even hoped for, was things to get better.


Word count: 1290

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