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Rule 1:No god mode
No one is perfect and no one is invincible so don't be
Rule 2:Be kind to everyone
If I see this rule being broken I will kick you out
Rule 3:cussing is Allowed
No smut is allowed move it to the PM.Cussing is allowed but please don't use it excessively
Rule 4:Drama,Drama,DRAMA!
Let's be serious what's rp without Drama
Rule 5:Dont kill anyone's OC without asking
Pretty self explanatory
Rule 6:Wait till accepted
Don't just randomly begin to rp without being accepted
Rule 7:Love
Play my love interest and I'll play yours
If I don't reply in a half an hour @ me
Rule 9:Speak in third person
For example:Lidia saw Kyle she smiled and looked down at her text book
Rule 9:You can have multiple OCs
Just not to many
Rule 10:You May pick what OC I use for the Scenario
Kinda straight Foward
Rule 11:Details
Don't reply with "Elijah smiled" it's annoying and hard to work with
Rule 12:
If you read this Tag 3 People

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