Chapter 9: Raging Red

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I stared up at Tansen- he was yelling at his mom over the phone. His face was red, but not his usual red of embarrassment. It was more like, raging red. A red that was the first color you'd imagine when you think of frustration. Even though I could see the hatred in his eyes, he held himself calmly. I sat up and pulled myself out of his arms. My head still really hurt from the fall, but I had make sure that I didn't dream it. I looked back at my soul tracker and instantly felt dizzy again. Tansen must've seen it on my face because he dropped his phone and ran to catch me. He wrapped his arms around me and held me up from behind.
"Av! What's wrong? Why do you keep passing out?"

I looked at his face- the red was gone, replaced with pure concern. I smiled up at him gently.

"Let's get out of here and talk somewhere else ok?" I said.

"Like where?"

I pointed towards the big red barn that neighbored the hotel. We walked slowly, his hand around my waist and my arm around his shoulder. We opened the big red barn doors and walked in. It was completely empty with the exception of piles of hay on the dirt floor and various farm equipment lining the walls. I looked around and saw a giant ladder leading to what looked like an upper level and smiled at tansen.

"Let's go up there!"

He opened his eyes wide- "Av no! What if you pass out and I can't get you down!"

I smirked- "don't worry- It won't happen again," and with that I sprinted to it and scaled all the way up.

"Ava you are so stupid" he said while climbing after me.

We got to the top and saw a little abandoned loft. Sunlight streamed lazily through the dirty windowpanes and I turned to face him. His face was a whole new kind of red now- he must be so concerned for me! I blushed at the thought and moved on.

" So av- now that we are up here in this super unstable abandoned house thing, can you tell me what's wrong with you? Im really worried." I drew close to him and he held my hands in his.

" I love you tansen." I whispered.

His face was back to his normal red of embarrassment now, making me smile.

" I love you too Av, but don't try to distract me. Why did you faint earlier?"

I let out a small giggle. "You sure you're ready?" He nodded and with that I turned my wrist over so the soul tracker was visible. He looked at it and his eyes widened. He immediately dropped my hands and rolled up his shirt sleeve, swiftly tearing the small band away. He stuck his wrist out parallel to mine.

"See!" I started- " THAT'S why."

Our clocks- once months apart, were completely in sync.

He glanced up at me, I could see the tears glittering in his eyes.

" I love you tansen." I whispered again. He held my cheek gently in his hand and slid it down my neck, wrapping the other around my waist.

" Av. I'm never letting you go." He said as he pulled me towards him.

Our lips hovered next to each other- both of us wanting to lunge at the other with passion but mentally preparing for the impact. And then, like a firework, an explosion of colors as his lips became intertwined with mine. However just like a firework, the moment disappeared into thin air. My eyes held shut, my lips and body searched for his body but couldn't find him. I opened my eyes and he was gone!


- First of all i'd like to apologize for not posting this chapter in a while- my life has been super hectic latley so bear with me! also- my goal is at least 2 Chapters a week:) Have a good day everyone!!

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