"I Never Knew" (Part V)

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"Seriously? You pranked Cheryl? Why?" I laughed as I pressed my phone against my ear. I'm actually in my apartment, talking to Jughead. I'm watching my favorite TV series while eating mashed potatoes.

"I don't know. Reggie made Archie do it and he asked for our help" Jughead replied. "That's pretty stupid" I laughed a bit louder.

"Come on. It's fun, a lot more fun if you were here with us" Jughead voice lightly shakes. I sighs, "I know that. I miss you guys so much. Life's been tough here" I admitted.

"When will you be back?"

"I'm not sure yet. I haven't talked to mom since she sent me here" I shrugged, "Uncle bought me an apartment a few months after I moved here but he still comes over every once in a while"

"So you're all alone there?" Jughead asked. "Yeah. It's fine though. I just spent an hour and a half studying then I'll watch a few movies or series" I shrugged.

"Seriously Jug. I miss you" I mumbled. "I miss you too, Y/N" Jughead smiled.

That was three years ago. A few months after my parents kicked my ass to New York, I've had a fun and crazy conversation with Jughead and the gang. But after that, things got too busy for me in school that I completely forgot about them.

Not only that, I got into singing and playing instruments. In my university, I stayed in the music video and sang some songs while playing the guitar. Someone saw me and captured the moment and now I'm famous.

Managers from different record labels offered and persuaded me to work with them. Andrew Gertler, the manager of Island Records, caught my eye.

He called me and asked me to work with him and some of his other clients. I said yes and now I'm one of the most famous and successful artists.

I stopped going to school and instead take them online. I've been busy writing songs and performing. Before I was just featured in different concerts and now I have my own.

Shawn Mendes helped me. Andrew has the idea of working with the famous Canadian singer. We worked on the collaboration and decided to complete his third album with songs written by me and Shawn. And in return,  had two or three songs with Shawn in my second album.

My first album was a huge success. I was able to write songs about my journey, love and heartbreak and so much more. I was filled with so many ideas while I was working on my first album.

I've been traveling all around the world, singing and performing here and there, writing songs, doing interviews, going to awards, going on tours. I love it, I love everything.

Singing and performing is one of my passions. I love singing my heart out to all my fans and supporters. Mom and dad knew about my celebrity life now and they were proud of me.

They should be. They were the ones who sent me here.

My life is perfect, everything is perfect.

"Hello? Y/N? You still there?" Shawn Mendes snapped his fingers in front of my face. "What?" I asked him. "You've zoned out. Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes filled with concern.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine" I shrugged, putting my laptop away. "Just hungry"

Shawn laughs before handing me a box filled with muffins. I smiled at him, "You definitely know how to make me smile"

"Of course. That's why you are my best friend, right?" Shawn smirked after taking a piece of muffin from the box. "Yeah definitely" I smiled back.

We're actually in my apartment. I invited him over to watch a movie and have a sleepover. He convinced me to watch Harry Potter and after watching the first part of the movie, I was in love.

In the middle of  watching the second movie, my phone started ringing. I picked it up and saw my mom's name as the caller's ID. "Hello?"

"Hi Y/N. How are you?"

"I'm fine mom. Hey listen, not meaning to be rude but do you mind if I hang up right now? I'm watching a movie with Shawn"

"This is important"

"Why? Did someone die?" I asked. I got up from the bed and made a motion to Shawn that I will leave the room for a bit. He nods his head and paused the movie for a bit.

I left the room. "What's up?"

"Y/N.... I need you to come back to Riverdale"

My eyes grew wide in shock. "What the-- What? Why?"

"There's been an emergency here in town and your friends need you here"

Oh my friends. I would be lying if I said we're still communicating because we're not. We completely lost our communication when I was slowly climbing the charts of Billboards.

"They didn't tell you?"

"Mom" I began, "I could barely open my phone and talk to you and dad. I stopped talking to them when I became famous, remember?" I hissed. "And why are you making me come back? You sent me here in the first place, and now that I have a perfect life, a perfect career, you'll ruin that for me?"

"Y/N, just this once. You can bring Shawn if you want to. Just stay here for a month or two" mom begged.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Fine. Whatever. Like I have a choice" I mumbled.

"Thanks so much, Y/N"

I didn't respond. I ended the call and walked back inside.

"What was that about?" Shawn asked. "Mom is sending me back to Riverdale" I answered, sitting on my bed beside Shawn.

Shawn looks at me, sadness filling his eyes.

"I have one question for you though.... Do you want to go with me?"

"Y/N!!!" mom waves at me the moment Shawn and I stepped out of airport. I asked for Andrew's permission if I can go home and he agreed, also dragging Shawn into the idea.

"Hi mom" I said once we approached them. I hugged both of my parents. "Mom, dad. This is Shawn. Shawn, these are my parents" I introduced them.

Shawn smiled and politely shakes their hands. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr and Mrs L/N" he said. "You too Shawn" dad smiled.

We drove back to my house and we luckily have a guest room for Shawn to stay. I helped Shawn unpack and he did the same for me.

"You hungry?" I asked Shawn. "Definitely" he nods his head.

"Do you like burgers and milkshakes?"

"Who doesn't like burgers?" Shawn playfully scoffs. "Yeah. I know a place" I smirked. I dragged Shawn out of the house and ran to Pop's Chock Lit Shoppe.

We walked inside, the small bell on top of the door ran when we stepped inside. I looked for an empty seat and immediately saw a very familiar guy, his head covered with a gray beanie.

Jughead Jones.

I led Shawn into an empty seat and sat down. We checked the menus and ordered food.

We talked about our latest song and write more ideas to add into the lyrics we're currently making.

"Y/N?" Pop asked out loud the same time the door opened.

I looked up and saw him looking at me in shock. The groups who just entered the small shop were my friends. Jughead, who was busy writing a novel turn around at the sound of my name.

All of them in shock. It's either because of my presence or the fact that I return with a guy. Probably both.


Okay so the final part is coming up. I know how o said this was going to be the end but I added a few ideas and now o have the write a 6th part.

Featured character: Shawn Mendes


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