Chapter Twelve

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(Okay so here is the real deal I didn't have time last week to work on 1,000 new words so here is what I was trying to publish)

"I heard there were cats passing through here, saying something about the deputy and leader of Squirrelclan were killed in a fight when they tried to invade LeapClan."

"Sounds nice."
"The point is, we can use this to our advantage, taking over the clan and taking it as our own."
"Your suggestion is valid, but we need more time to prosper. Besides, not many of the cats here trust me as much as you do, Fox," Tar shook his fur out, being as it was soaked.
Fox, a russet tom with black feet, turned his nose up. "Its not like we have a much better choice for leader, I mean, Petal is too frail and gentle to be anything more than a queen, Night has just become a Killer of the Stars, and Bloodscar is your deputy, and I, I am at fault immediately, being part of the Clan ways."
"That is why you trust me. Because the others are weak and fragile, barely even members of this alliance.


"Moonpaw, you need to concentrate!" Tanstar flicked his tail over Moonpaw's ear, immediately making Moonpaw jump up and swipe in the air

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"Moonpaw, you need to concentrate!" Tanstar flicked his tail over Moonpaw's ear, immediately making Moonpaw jump up and swipe in the air. He landed with his fur fluffed to its extense and his tail was fricken huge.
"Haha, Tanstar. That was fun." Moonpaw said, grooming the fur on his tail down.
Sunpaw dashed over beside Tanstar. "You're right! That was fun!" She said, earning a scowl of annoyance from Moonpaw.
Pinefrost walks over to Sunpaw, gently flicking her tail over Sunpaw's ears in playful annoyance.
"Hey Sunpaw, has any body ever told you that your warrior name could be Sunfrost? Because it suits you, with you being all cold-hearted and all," Moonpaw says dryly.
"Really? Ooh, Sunfrost has a nice ring to it! Better than Moonflower," Sunpaw says, earning a cuff over the ears from Moonpaw. Sunpaw leaps over Moonpaw, tackles his rear, and, victoriously, dashes under Moonpaw, takes out his legs and stands square on top of her opponent.
Grumbling, Moonpaw gets up, his flanks heaving with the effort not to gasp and sputter. Sunpaw is still on top of Moonpaw and is surprisingly thrown off, her body landing farther down in Shallow Ditch.
Moonpaw darts forward, sliding at the last moment to the side as Sunpaw tries to counter attack, and jumps on her still- sprawled-out body.
Sunpaw rolls her eyes, turns over but still under the weight of Moonpaw, and swats his face with sheathed claws. Next, she tucks herself under Moonpaw and wiggled free of his grasp, turning around and leaping at Moonpaw. But Moonpaw wasn't there anymore.
Surprised, Sunpaw lands on the sand, huffing as she tried to get up.
Moonpaw, quick as StarClan, leaps near Sunpaw, bounding over quicker than lightning. He then leaps on top of her and bites her neck not intentional for harm.
"Alright, I give in," Sunpaw hates uttering those words, but it was the only way to get out of training quickly. She wanted to check up on Oakpaw.
"Sunpaw, wait," Pinefrost padded up beside Sunpaw, who looked at the ground with an annoyed aura about her.
"Sunpaw, that was quite an impressive move back there. Where did you come up with that?" Pinefrost urged, pressing her shoulder against Sunpaw's.
"I just thought it was the right thing to do in that situation, I didn't really come up with it, my body moved on its own," Sunpaw says, padding fateful r and faster u til she's at a sprint.
Finally, now I can go check on Oakpaw and Hollypaw.


Pepperpaw was a jumbled up mix of confusion and sadness resulting as to what appeared to be utter disbelief that his father, the one and only Thunderclaw, was dead

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Pepperpaw was a jumbled up mix of confusion and sadness resulting as to what appeared to be utter disbelief that his father, the one and only Thunderclaw, was dead. His burial had been held in the early morning, after the warriors -and Pepperpaw- on vigil headed to their dens.
Pepperpaw wouldn't head back to the apprentices' den because he wanted to  nuzzle his deceased father one last time.
Pinefrost was there, too, along with Kinkface, Thunderclaw's older son, and Dusktail, Thunderclaw's father. They each took their turns, softly nuzzling Thunderclaw's soft fur and whispering words of praise and sorrow to help guide him to StarClan.
Sunpaw padded out of the medicine den, snorting with the satisfaction that she had been able to achieve the act of making Oakpaw uncomfortable.
Sighing, Pepperpaw walks away from the entrance to the apprentices den and tries the never-ending quest to find Blitzpaw. But it ended, quickly, at that.
Blitzpaw was sprawled out lazily across Rock Hill, a hill that was made of one rock, a rock so big that it looked like Highledge from ThunderClan, LeapClan's ancestors.
"How are you doing?" Blitzpaw yawned as he lazily sat upright.
"Fine, if fine means you're father just died," Pepperpaw snorted dryly.
"You're not the only one that has a deceased parent! How do you think I felt when Willowcreek and Flightingtail died?" Blitzpaw replied, a bit on the annoyed side.
"It's not like you knew them that well!" Pepperpaw's neck fur rose.
"Well, excuse me, but, if you think you're the only one dealing with stress then I'm a hedgehog!" Blitzpaw was standing up now, sizing Pepperpaw up by about 2/3 of his height.
"You're every bit as prickly," Pepperpaw snorted again.
"You don't understand how I feel! You've never had a loved one injured, you flea-brain, mange-pelted, sorry excuse for a cat! I wish you would just leave me alone! What does anything mean to you other than your own needs?!" Pepperpaw was in fighting stance, ready to spring if Blitzpaw tried anything, but Blitzpaw just stared into Pepperpaw's eyes with a look of solemn defeat and turned tail, walking away from Pepperpaw with a -sad at first- but then confused expression on his face.
Pepperpaw was foaming at the mouth, practically ready to kill. He almost delivered a blow to Lilypaw's face as she gently placed her tail on his shoulder, but quickly removing it from his shoulder and walking away with her tail held high.
Turning his attention back to Blitzpaw, Pepperpaw's temper began to cool, and as he thought about it, Pepperpaw realized.
Oh, StarClan, what have I done?

Hey guys, how is my one-man crowd doing?
Oh man, I'm so lonely.
Anyways, here is the update some of you *cough* Kayla *cough* have been dying for.
If you want more stuff like this, go check out VectorSigma and his/her amazing stories, especially his/her (complete?) Series.
Love my fans,
~Peace Out

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