Chapter 1 - What if?

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Hallo o/

Sooo, here it is, my story! In think it's a little bit out of character...? I don't know, maybe... XD In fact, in the serie we don't really know about the thoughts so I just invented a bit sacarstic/indifferent Kong XD.

We just finished the hazing session. Now all of us have to fill this stupid notebook in order to be recognized by our seniors. I'm not convinced but everyone seems to play along, so let's just be a sheep. Strangely, I don't even have to ask, seniors come to me... Like bees are attracted by honey, or flies by shit. It's a question of perspective. Soon I gather numerous signatures and a few phone numbers. And I'm not the only one: I see P'Arthit obtaining a girl's number. At least, he is not wasting his time even if the girl seems uneasy. Stupid Senior. Traumatizing juniors seems to be his hobby. Mine is basketball, to each his own I suppose.

As I was walking to complete my task, I heard a melodious voice screaming my student code.

-Yes P'Arthit?

- Why do you have two notebooks?

"Because my best friend is a scaredy-cat and you along with your groupe are a bunch of bulldogs". Obvioulsy, proper behaviour, but mostly their looks, prevent me from opening my big mouth.

-Do you have my signature?

You know the answer, why bother asking the question? Once again, my education gets the upper hand. God I hate it!

- No P'. Not yet.

-Give me your notebook.

As he is checking the signatures I've collected, I take advantage of the opportunity to check him out. His hairstyle is weird, with his bangs pushed back he looks like a child trying to mimic adults. That's kind of cute in a way. Who am I kidding? I have the same hairdo. God I hate this school's regulation. He has only one ring at his ears. Weird. Maybe, the first hole was so painful, that he didn't have the courage to make an other one? I have to bite my lips not to laugh, imagening P'Arthit screaming and pleading the tattooer not to pierce him with his needle. Oh this sentence sounds a little sexual... No, no, calm down Kongpob, bite your lips!

Suddenly, a sharp voice got me back on Earth, breaking my daydream.

- Can you do me a favor?

I know he is pissed because of my little rebellion this morning. I'm not stupid, he is going to order me to do something either absurd or humiliating. But I don't want to give up and see his smug smile.

- What is it?

He is not going to answer that question.

- Can you?

So predictable.

-All right.

And there he comes with his table and gay thing. I mentally sighed... Really? Is that the maturity level of this university? Moreover, of a third year?

"Are you a secretly gay P'?" I am dying to ask but let's not play with fire. For now.

-Then you must ask some male students over there, let's say...


Seriously P'Bright? I thought you were the funny one.

- ... 10 guys and ask "Would you like to go out with me?".

It starts to get on my nerves. There is no reflection behind this. No desire to create a link between seniors and freshmen, no will to tighten the gap, no attempt to clear up the tension. No. This is pure revenge. Pure provocation. And I'm not sure I'm mature enough to resist it.

- Why are you silent?

Because your lack of maturity stuns me.

- Or you don't have the guts to do it.

Don't you dare provoke me, even if you're a senior. You'll regret it. He seems delighted in my situation, I just want to remove this smirk of his. He wants to laugh? Let's laugh together.

I put a straight face and silently walked to the famous table, hearing sniggers from the hazers team. I am really and deeply disappointed in this senior. Was he always like that? As soon as he entered in the cheering room with his determined air and his burgundy shirt, I recognized him. The senior who guided me, who calmed me, who strengthened me in my decision. Does he suffer from schizophrenia?

He doesn't seem to recognize me but I remember him, especially his words

"Don't make such a stressful face!"

I even recall he was the owner of a dog and a fish.

"There's nothing to be stressed about."

"It's feels like... You're at home." Bullsh*t.




All kind of feelings are mixed inside me but fury dominates. It engulfs me.

Let's play around a little.

I get on the table and scream the way he wanted. I scream this stupid sentence.

Once. It makes people stunned.

Twice. They start to giggle.

Thrice. I hear whistles and shouts.

The noise accompanies me when I ask for the first time in my life a guy out. He rejected me.



"No way!"


His smirk is wide, he is regaled with my humiliation. Be patient Kongpob, only seven left.


I do not listen to the rejections anymore.


I need an idea...


I finally know what to do.


My smile starts blooming, his, starts fading.


I wear my brightest grin of my face.


The guy, in front of whom I stand, hesitates. God, just reject me!


"P'Arthit, would you like to go out with me?"


His smile totally disappeared. He get on his feet giving me a death stare.

Well, well, well. The game started.

~~~~~~~~~ 1 - 0 ~~~~~~~~~

End of the first chapter! I'm so stressed! When I was watching this episode, I was so sure Kong were going to do that (asking Arthit out) but he didn't and I was so frustrated! So make my own story based on this frustration XD (Sorry for the hate toward Arthit's hair but he is way more cuter with his bangs!)

I still don't know if I should make a different POV for each chapter (or sometimes Arthit but mostly Kong) or keep Kong's. Any advise or wish guys?

I hope chapter 2 will come soon! (Yeah, I don't know myself XD)

PS: Lines are from the translation of Delightful and GMMTV YT Channel, thanks to them!

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