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What would you do if your entire life changed in a second? How would you cope? Well I didn’t cope very well. My name is Annabelle; this is a story about when my entire life flipped upside down.

                It all started on this day two years ago. It was July 15, 2011. On that horrific day I lost everything. Everyone, but my father. I remember it like it was yesterday. How it felt as our car flipped not once or twice but seven times. It all happened in slow motion, as we ran into a wall bringing the car to a complete stop. The overwhelming smell of blood. The wails of the sirens rushing toward us, as I blackout.

                When I finally gained conciseness I was in a white room, with my father asleep in a chair next to my white itchy bed, my hand clenched in his tightly. I had no idea where I was. It terrified me. My father jerked awake, I’m not sure if he could sense I was awake or when I squeezed his hand is what woke him. Either way I was relieved. He was there, someone I could get answers from. He knew what was going on. I remember a crash but I was hoping it was just a horrible nightmare. Except if it was why am I here and where was Sky, and my mother? I needed answers in order to calm down.

                “Bell oh thank gosh your awake. Are you okay? I was so worried. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there, but I’m here now and that’s what is important. What do you remember?” My father said. What does he mean what do I remember. I need to get out of here or I’ll be late for my dance competition. He knew how important this was to me. How long was I out? Oh no did I miss it?

                “What happened? How long was I out? Where is mom and Sky? Why are you crying?” I rushed out all my questions. I was so concentrated on getting them out I didn’t notice tears rolling down my father wrinkled cheeks. Then I noticed the dark circles under his eyes, his messy hair, and I knew something was wrong so I figured I might want to shut up so he could explain.

                “You were in a crash. They said you are lucky to be alive.” Oh no, I can’t lose Sky she is my twin, I need her. Mom oh no mom, please let them be okay.

                “Are Sky and mom okay? What is wrong with me?” It was all coming back to me, the pain. We were on our way to my dance competition ; my dad was going to meat us there. He had some work he needed to finish first.

                “They didn’t make it Bell. You broke your arm, leg, and fractured your spine.” I don’t know when I started to cry, but now I was sobbing. My dad just sat there holding my while silently shedding tears himself. Okay so at least I still have dad and dance. Wait, will I ever be able to dance again?

                “Can I still dance, I mean not now but later?” Oh please say yes, please say yes I said to myself. I don’t know what I would do without dance. Especially after losing Sky.

                “The doctor said it’s too soon to know for sure. He also told me that five people out of eight recover fully and go back to their normal lives, including dancers.” Well not exactly the answer I was looking for but I’ll take it. I still have hope.

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