"You're getting pretty worked up over nothing." She pointed out.

I had to take a deep breath because she wasn't understanding. "Sure." I say simply.

"What brings up the other fight?" She asked.

"When we're serious fighting over something else, he brings that up. When we got in a big fight in Australia, when I almost broke up with him over all the jealousy, he brought it up. Like he yelled at me about it."

"What did he say?"

"He didn't mean it, but he said something along the lines of how 5sos brought us on tour just so I could meet his family, because I can't afford plane tickets, apparently. There are other things, but he didn't get his point across in a way that was truly infuriating, because he meant it in a caring way."

"You know, Austin used to get jealous over those things, too. Not the fame thing, or the money thing, but he would get jealous when we first started dating a little bit when he saw me with other men. He assumed I had been casually dating someone else, he got offended, so when he said something about it, I laughed and explained things."

"No offense, Tiffany, but I've been dating him for quite a few months, and he still does it. He wasn't as bad at first, but it got worse and worse. I don't know, the last time, I told him I was done with it. That was two weeks ago. He's coming home in nine days, and I bet he'll be prissy about it, then too, even though we talked about these things before it happened."

"Sounds like you need to go shopping, and to cool down." She chuckled.

"How did we get from talking about a baby, to me complaining about two annoying quirks he has?" I laughed, taking a deep breath. I needed to call Calum to just know that he loves me, before I went out. Me being worked up over past fights that had been worked out, is uncool. I was not going to be that girl.

Tiffany goes into the bathroom, so I call him. "Hi, Kira. What's wrong?" He sounded groggy, and like he had just woken up. "You never call this early. Or get up this early."

I relaxed, just hearing his voice. We wouldn't have that big of a fight as the one in Australia again, anytime soon. I took comfort in that hope. "I know, Tiffany's just here, and so is Carly. She got me a new frame with a picture of you and Carly in it. Did I wake you up? I'm sorry baby."

"I'm always happy to talk to you. Even if you did wake me up." He was whispering now, more than likely because everyone else was asleep. They slept pretty late in the day on tour.

"I'm sorry." I say again. "I love you."

"I love you too." He said, he sounded sweet and happy. I needed to hear him say it. "I get to see you in a few days. Aren't you excited? Can we finally have sex?"

"Only if you're a good boy." I laughed. Tiffany raised her eyebrows at me as she came out of the bathroom, and sat on the couch.

"Yes!" He cheered. I smiled.

"So what are your plans for the day?" He asked.

"I think we're going to go shopping. I'm thinking I can take them to the zoo."

"Oh, but I'm not there to see the monkeys with you." I could hear his frown.

"You're on a bus with three monkeys. I promise I'll take you with me when you come home, okay?"

"But Carly." He whined.

"Want some cheese with your whine?"

"Who are you talking to?" I hear Carly ask.

"Calum." I responded. Carly had been rubbing her eyes, yawning. "Do you want to talk to him?" I asked her. She nodded enthusiastically. "Calum, I'm going to call you back with a face time, okay? Carly misses you too."

BELOVED // CALUM HOOD // 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now