The Wedding Planner [Chapter 5]

Start from the beginning

"Did you miss me?"

Kirk flashed me a look again. "What do you mean by that?" he asked me.

"Did you miss me? I mean, we haven't seen each other in about three years."

"Yeah, I missed you. Why?" Kirk said, looking at me seriously.

I breathed. "Because I missed you a lot."

Kirk smiled and hugged me tight. There went my heart again, only it was beating even faster. Couldn't he feel it? "I missed you more than you know, Lanea."

You have no idea how bad that hurt, but yet I loved to hear him say it. I looked at him and he looked back, but his eyes were on my lips. He wanted to kiss me, just like I wanted to kiss him.

I could feel his arms wanting to place themselves around my waist and pull me in close to kiss. Or maybe my mind was just making it up. I was holding my breath, and my heart pumped blood through my body faster and faster...

And then the pizza got to my apartment.


The night we spent together was fun. Just like it had been. Before his engagement. Before graduation. Before everything else had happened. When we were in high school, having fun and on the brink of our new friendship. The moments where we regret doing something then, but looking back on it from now and on, we smile and laugh about it.

We shared a few memories from high school and college, like when we hosted the biggest party of senior year in high school, and were well remember because of it, and the ridiculous outfit that he won an award for during homecoming. Those memories were the fun ones, but they're incomparable to the sweet memories.

We talked about what had happened between those three years, and what had gone on in our own lives.

I explained the happenings of my life, learning that I wanted to be a wedding planner and doing my best to get my job right. With my organization skills, trustworthiness, and "strict ways" as Kirk would call it, I would make the perfect wedding planner. A person who could basically grant wishes when it came to brides and weddings.

Kirk, I had already known, wanted to be a therapist. I had known that since we started college together, and he did his studies well. Never was there a moment when I didn't think he was brilliant. I would always know he would make more money than me when we were on our own, but he thought that I, the one with no idea what she wanted, would make the better life. He had always been smart, and judging from his parents, a doctor and a college professor, it was obvious. I had average parents. The regular mother, and the working father who was an engineer.

Not one time did we talk about the moment where we almost kissed.


"I bet she's home by now, Kirk," I insisted, getting him up off of the couch which he and I had found so comfortable.

"Why can't I just stay the night here?" Kirk whined, sounding like the idiot guy that I used to see all the time.

"Because I don't have an extra room for you to sleep in and Daphne would kill me if you stayed here. She will probably kill you for coming here now," I said with a smile.

"I could sleep on the couch," he said, falling back onto my couch and laying there comfortably.

"And then get me fired in the morning? I don't think so." I pulled Kirk up again and pushed him on toward the door. I opened it for him, then got him out in to the hallway of the apartment building.

"Come on, baby! Don't be like this!" Kirk said goofily, smiling at me.

I laughed at him. "But you've gotta go, Kirk!"

Kirk sighed and nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow then," he said to me.

I looked at him and nodded, a smile on my lips. "Yeah," I murmured.

Kirk walked to the steps, waved goodbye to me, and then he was gone.

"Oh, so that's Kirk!"

My eyes flashed up to the guy that lived across the hall, he was leaning on the door frame of his front door, his arms crossed over his muscular chest(he was shirtless) and his black hair messy as usual. Of course Westly had something to say.

"Oh, God. Go to bed, Westly," I said as I started to close the door.

"Come on, baby! Don't be like this!" he copied Kirk's act.

I couldn't help but smirk. "Go to bed, Westly. I'll see you tomorrow, I guess."

"Oh, now you're flirting with me, aren't you , love?" he said, faking a British accent.

I smirked again, but rolled my eyes. "Goodnight, Westly."

"Goodnight, love."

His fake accent isn't as attractive as Kirk's.


Yeah, i had to. I had fun writing it, and it's longer than most of the other ones.

I'm away from my original computer so this was a bit difficult to write! :o

The song One Thing by One Direction! Cute song and it just kinda reminds me a little of what Lanea thinks.... just a little bit! :)

Vote if you like Kirk!

Comment for Westly!?!? :)

Fan if you just want me to keep writing! :) *obviously not obligated to fan*

thanks guys! Hoped you liked the chappie!


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