Carly didn't meet my eyes. She kept her hands behind her back and her eyes glued to her feet. I wanted her to look at me so she could see the amazement in my eyes.

"But, Aiden!" I heard Blair whining in the background.

"I don't want other guys looking at you!"

"I let other girls look at you!"

"What other girls?"

"The hell you mean 'what other girls'? There's always other girls looking at you."

"I don't really notice other girls. The only girl I see is you."

Gag me to death.

"Awhhh!" I heard her say before I heard her smother Aiden with kisses.


I turned back to look at Carly to see her smiling at the direction of the couple. I could see the wish in her eyes, the want of what Blair and Aiden had. A relationship like that is what she deserved.

Her eyes met mine and for a moment, her eyes brightened and her smile widened. But then as if in realization, her face turned blank and she looked back down at her feet.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked out loud.

"Yup." Aiden replied.

Blair pumped her right fist in the air. "Necto, here we come!"


Carly's POV

Necto was packed. What else do you expect on a Saturday night?

Blake was walking possessively beside me. I could feel him itching to put his arm around my waist and pull me closer. He's tried many times but I pulled away, scared of what I'd feel when his skin touched mine.

He looked good. Blake Bradley always does. His dark Levi jeans hugged his hips firmly. It was lose but wasn't bagging down under his buttocks. The plain black shirt he wore fitted him nicely. It outlined his muscles.

"I found our table!" Aiden yelled through the loud music.

We sat down on our regular table; me across from Blake. We took turns buying the group vodka shots and the oldest always goes first. That meant Blake, then Aiden, then me, then Blair.

Blake was uncertain about leaving the table. More precisely: me. I could see him look from Aiden to me. After Aiden gave him a nod, signaling some kind of boy code, Blake left to get the drinks.

I saw Blair smirking at my direction and I rolled my eyes at her.

This was all her idea.

She thought that Blake seeing me dance with other guys would make him go mad. Hell yeah, it'll make him go mad. It'll make him go crazy on the guy who put his hands on me.

I'm not sure why I agreed. I guess I just needed a night out with my best friend but we both knew that Blake wouldn't let us go places by ourselves. Hence, bringing them along to the club.

I mean a simple movie night would've been enough for me but leave it up to Blair Bradley to stir up some crazy shit into an already chaotic situation.

"Want to dance, Carly?" Blair asked me.

Was she out of her mind? I already felt nervous being out of my safety home, now she wants me to distance myself from my protection? Namely Blake.

The plan was to go dancing with other guys and I had agreed. But now that we were about to do that, fear struck me.

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