Dorado: Returning to Ruins

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Yeah, trying this again since demands became so damn high.

Doom Slayer's POV

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Doom Slayer's POV

I despise this tethering system.

I despise this tethering system

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Hayden: You've won. It's over. You've closed the portal and stopped the invasion, but it came at a cost. Argent, VEGA, this entire operation. You see, I've watched you work- come to understand your motivation.... You think the only way is to kill them all, leave nothing behind...

Yeah. That's the point.

Hayden: But we just can't shut it all down! Without Argent Energy, it will be worse.

How much worse can it get!?

I felt the Crucible being ripped from my hands into his.

Hayden: But with this, we can continue our work....I'm not the villain in this story. I do what I do because I must. I don't expect you to agree.

No....I don't at all.

Hayden: I can't kill you, but I will not have you in the way of progress. Till we meet again.


You son of a bitch!

And with that, Hayden sent me through the light into the unknown. I stayed motionless, unable to do anything. Transported against my will, I would have to wait until arriving at a new location. Wherever that is, I do not know.

An alert on my Heads up Display informed me of an incoming signal. The sender shown as 'Unknown' with only static coming through. A few hisses and clicks later, a familiar voice spoke through.

???: Hello.


VEGA: Yes. I am VEGA. I thank you for taking a backup of myself. It has taken the length of time from when you made the backup to just now for me to correctly integrate myself with your suit.

A representation of VEGA appeared in the visor. A hollow blue circle cut into three, with another circle in the middle.

VEGA: 94% of my capabilities had to be disabled in order for me to come online. Though I am greatly hindered, I will still be able to assist you in your future endeavors.

The Hellwalker Roams: A DOOM X Overwatch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now