Chapter Two

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Diamonds POV|

Chapter two|

I started my day off with the norm; an hour and a half long shower before getting myself together completely for work. Don't ask me what I do, because there's a history behind it that I'm not ready to tell. I motioned myself down in some Johnson & Johson, lathering up to smell like sweet soft lilac. My hair fell down into ringlets, as I spritzed myself with my favorite sweat pea jasmine perfume from PINK. A hint of lip gloss on my lips, and my makeup to the T.

I slipped my sandals on, snatching up my Prada hand bag. Jogging down the steps realizing that I told Kado I'd pick king up in the am. "Shit" I mumbled to myself, I guess King is tagging along with me to work for the day. He would've been able to stay with his father but they'll be there too. I locked the doors up after me, and slid into my Toyota corolla (2k14) starting the engine hearing it roar beneath me.

I turned on the radio, blasting out just like my every morning routine. The tune College by lyfe Jennings soon filled my car, causing me to turn up the volume and hum along to the tune. This used to be the song, on the real. I turned onto Burkley, glancing over at my phone that flashed none other by Kado. I huffed, rolling my eyes before pulling over. Most likely, he wanted some morning good good, and King was probably at his mama's because of it. I shook my head, answering the call in resentment.

"What?" I asked, tapping my fingertips against the steering wheel.

"Diamond?" He panted. I instantly shot up, and straightened my posture.

"Kado don't play with me, what's wrong, you're scaring me."

"I fucked up, I forgot to give king his 'cation (medication) and he ate the damn apple pie that Jewel left on the dinning table I-"

"Kado! Where is he now!? Take him to the ER, I'm on my way there!"

My stomach did cartwheels as I pictured my son laying in a hospital bed, all Kado had was one job, and he failed. Not to mention he failed at being a family man, but that's another story. Stepping on the gas, speeding off as I began to have a mini anxiety attack. I was driving on my own highway, the disbelief float upon me while my hands suddenly felt as I dipped them into water.

I bet that bitch left the pie on the table on purpose. Knowing damn well King was allergic to certain things. Shame that even family can get to the lowest of the low. My tires screeched once I finally reached the ER parking lot, and truth be told, I still felt that I hadn't gotten there fast enough. I practically leaped out of the car, slamming the door and fleeing through the automatic doors, straight to the counter. I couldn't even imagine a life without my son. I swear, on God, Jewel has some rough shit coming her way.

I ran into the ER heading straight to the front desk, turning around in my foot steps glancing at Kado and Jewel. She sat slanted in her chair, with a downcast, wolfish expression. I lifted my arm, pointing my finger at her and then Steven.

"I'm not gonna even give her a piece of my mind, ima start with you, but I promise the both of you, if my son doesn't make it out of here, or something's seriously wrong with him the both of you back stabbing, down & dirty assholes will pay!" I yelled.

"Diamond, it wasn't on purpose" Steven stood up and put his hands on my shoulders.

Him being close to me at the moment ticked my clock even more. I shoved him.

"You expect me to not assume that my sister sat that damn pie on the table, then she distracted you to get your eye off king and he ran and ate it? That's not even the point. I gave you his medication, you should've gave it to him! When are you gonna grow up and take responsibility for something you helped create!?"

His eyes went hard, and I automatically knew that this was the Kado I knew and didn't love. "Don't come in here with some type of empowerment speech," Jewel popped off at the mouth. I clenched my jaw, lunging across at her before Kado caught me in his embrace.

"Ooh, I swear, my son better wake up or that's your ass. Why don't you like me?! Huh?! What have I ever done to you for you not to like me, jewel?" She picked her fingernails as if she were the least bit interested in what I had to say.

I fixed my shirt, a tad bit agitated at the world at the moment. "Not here," kado warned. He looked off at the starring room of nosey people. "I don't care, let them stare! Let them all stare!-"

"'Ms! Please hold it down over there, we're getting noise complaints from patients that desperately need rest." I shot her a look, and had a load of things to say before Kado dragged me by my arm into the nearest unlocked empty room.

"Kado, not now," I stressed, pushing his chest. "I gave you one fucking job!"

"I know, and I'm sorry, I'm a fuck up just...don't take my son away from me, Diamond. He's all I have. I don't even got you no more, don't take him."

"You got me all kinds of fucked up Steven! I yelled throwing punches at his chest, he stood there, eating each punch for lunch; it only pissed me off even more. I started to kick him and scratch. He grabbed my arms, turning me around so that my his chest pumped on my back. He warped his arms around my waist roughly, only because be know I likes it... Atleast he remembers something.

"Calm down Diamond, Kings gonna be alright"

"it doesn't matter Steven!" I tried to break loose but his grip around me was too tight

Part of me felt like we'd never broke up, and we had nothing to lose at this point. It turned me on the way his breath tickled the back of my neck, and his arms wrapped around me making me feel protected. Sort of like...I was his again, I guess.

"Diamond what happened to me and you, baby?" He asked, his voice deep and raspy. Was he serious? My son was on his death bed and he wanted to talk about us?

"What's Understood shouldn't be explained, Kado. You know damn well what happened to us. You happened."

"I know baby and-." He began to say.

"No you don't. You don't know what it's like to deal with your stupid ass shenanigans. I refuse to let you ruin my life again."

My voice began to crack as the memories started to flow back to my head. I'm more upset about the fact that there's still this empty spot that lies in my heart for him.

"Baby I'm so sorry I can't take back all the things I did and said wrong to you. I'm glad we have this son together so you're not completely out ofy life."

I didn't think I'd see the day when Kado cried. I've never seen anything but ice in his eyes.

"Well now it seems our son is all we have." I turned to open the door before he pulled me back into his fit torso,

"Kado sto-" he pressed his lips against mine, so hard I thought they'd bruise. I didn't know whether to reject it or enjoy it. If you asked me where I was I'd say between putrid and ecstatic, but I'm 24, and I'm a little too old to be playing Kado's mind tricks and flips. He hurt me, and I swear if it weren't for king, he would have never heard from me again. I would have took the initiative to leave when I could've...but I didn't. His tongue wrestled with mine, as he fought for dominance, tangling his fingers in my curls. I pulled away, pushing his chest.

"No. You are a low down dirty bastard, Steven and I could never forgive you for what you did to me."

I turned to open the door again before he slammed it closed.

"Can you... Just think about it?"

I looked at him and nodded my head. Kado is the last thing on my mind, especially when he has my little sister sitting in a lobby while he's playing tongue hockey with me. I wouldn't ever, in a lifetime forgive him or my sister. Mainly because they were both the closest things I've ever had other than my mom, and then they betrayed me; her over acouple dollars and him, I don't know his reasons, never even cared to ask.

The story is way deeper than it seems, but right now isn't the best time to get into it. I'd be lying if I said he didn't cross my mind from time to time, but he was the child of my first born...

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